Hi all,
The damage to the Java Ferns (
Microsorum pteropus) looks like drying damage, either from drying out during the tank move? or being "burned" by an <"
oxidising agent"> like hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), <"
sodium hypochlorite bleach or glutaraldehyde">? That could also account for the white tips on your Liverwort (Riccardia
chamaedryfolia?). I don't know what the water is like in Lublin, but Java Ferns don't get on well in <"
very soft"> water.
The companies that sell these kits won't tell you this, but they aren't accurate. The problem <"
with nitrate (NO3-)"> and <"
potassium (K+)"> testing is that they don't form insoluble compounds that you can easily test for, meaning that to get a coloured compound you need to go through various stages. Personally I don't <"
make decisions"> based on test kit results <"
New bit of kit - MP-AES">, but entirely on the basis of plant health.
You will need a complete fertiliser, your plants can only make use of the additional CO2 if none of the other <"
essential nutrients are limiting growth">.
You should add a dechlorinator if you have a chlorinated water supply? I'm not a tap water user, or a <"
fan of Seachem products">, but others can advise you, but I'm pretty sure adding extra will do more harm than good.
I don't think TAN ammonia or nitrite (NO2-) are your issue, the plants will reduce levels of <"
all forms of fixed nitrogen">.
Just don't believe what other people tell you, nitrate (NO3-) isn't toxic to fish until you get <"
to very elevated levels">.
cheers Darrel