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"Moss Mountain"

Looks great
Nice to see a good scape done with slate 😉 Shows you dont need to pay £1k for a tiny bit of rock 😀
Hi all.
mr. luke said:
Looks great
Nice to see a good scape done with slate Shows you dont need to pay £1k for a tiny bit of rock
Thanks for the kind comments mr.luke.
As you can see, this tank is all about the moss. I'm pretty sure a lot of the low rocks will eventually be completely covered in moss so I could see no point in spending a fortune on the hardscape. Eventually I'm hoping to just have random rock 'peaks' poking up through the moss.
Need to pass by next time Im in the area to have a look at your tanks mate 🙂
PM me your number.
Sorry boys.
Completely missed this post somehow.
Anyway, growth is incredibly slow (obviously due to the relatively low light) except the Monosolenium tenerum , it's gone nuts. Must give it a trim and post up some pics.
The shrimp seem to like their new home as they are breeding like rabbits.
This is what you'd call a seriously low maintenance tank though :lol:
Hi all

Well I finally got up off me bum to post some pics.
Overall progress is slooooooow, but that was expected from a low light moss set up, so all in all, can't complain.
So far the only maintenance that has been carried out is the filter has been cleaned 3 times and some algae scrapped of the glass. Now that's what I call low maintenance :lol:
For the observant amongst you (a1matt :lol: ), you may notice a few tweaks, repositioning of the Monosolnium Tenerum, thats all 😉

Hope you enjoy the pics.

Some random shots.

Heading for lunch at the lineata




They seem to enjoy it in there


Good view up here


Keeping the Flame moss in order


DIning on the Fissidens


Left hand front view


Looking in from the left


Looking in from the right

Full front


Observations so far:
The weeping moss ain't weeping yet. Fissidens is a majorly slow grower in low light and the Taxiphyllum Alternans seems more interested in mountaineering than growing bushy. Also, what was sold as SIngapore moss don't know what it wants to do, it seems to be growing across the back on the floor behind the highest rocks :?
By far the quickest grower in there is the Monosolenium Tenerum but it does get some natural light from the right hand side of the tank.
I've also given up rearranging the substrate around the bottom of the rocks as the shrimp seem to have their own interior designs in mind :lol: .
Other than that, all is good 😀
As you can see, this has got a long way to go but hey, I'm in no rush 😉
Looks Good Dude!

I hope you have lots of patience, this would killme/drive me mad, i am rubbish at waiting.
I will check back in yr to see how its going :lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry!

Stick with it :geek:
Thanks Andy.
It's driving me mad too, but I have one hi tech and one low tech planted to keep me occupied 😀 .
At the current rate it will be a year before it looks any good :lol:
Fortunately for me, this tank just sits in the corner minding it's own business with no intervention from me, except for the odd bit of ferts and shrimp food 😀
My bad Chris. It must have loaded but I was whizzing around on a few other pages. Looks good mate. Definatly need to give you a shout next time when Im in your neck of the woods.
CeeJay said:
At the current rate it will be a year before it looks any good :lol:

I disagree 😛
Healthy moss, nice red cherries, decent bit of rockwork.... It looks good to me already :thumbup:
Hi all
Themuleous said:
Thanks a cool tank! The rocks are superb. Looks exactly like a mini-landscape
Thanks for the kind words Sam 😀
mlgt said:
Looks good mate.
Thanks Rik
mlgt said:
Definatly need to give you a shout next time when Im in your neck of the woods.
Any time mate. I'll drop you a PM.
a1Matt said:
I disagree
Now why am I not surprised by that quote :lol: :lol:
a1Matt said:
Healthy moss, nice red cherries, decent bit of rockwork.... It looks good to me already
Thanks Matt, glad you like it, and a big :thumbup: for helping me out when this project was getting started 😀.
Do not know if you already knew this Chris (sorry if you did 😳 )... but you have a liverwort in your tank that is not on the planting list at the start :geek:

Poking up between the Lomariopsis Lineata is some 'Riccardia chamedryfolia' (common name: Coral Pellia).
I can see it on your ' lunch at the lineata' photo.
The two growing together looks really good 8)

If you did not add it separately then I guess I gave it to you as a hitchhiker :shifty: (I have it in the same tank as the lomariopsis).

I'd like to check the tank out as well.
I could tag along with Rik 😀

I was happy to sort you out with the mosses at startup, it's not very often that someone does a dedicated moss tank. I'll have some more for you as well as time goes on 😉 Not just yet though as I am growing them on for now in preparation to setup my own dedicated tank 8)
Hi Matt
a1Matt said:
Do not know if you already knew this Chris (sorry if you did )... but you have a liverwort in your tank that is not on the planting list at the start
No I didn't 😳. Another one I have to learn to spell :lol:
Still learning about this moss and liverwort stuff.
a1Matt said:
If you did not add it separately then I guess I gave it to you as a hitchhiker
I didn't add it seperately so it must have came in as a hitchhiker, but I didn't notice any difference when tying the original batch to the rocks. I must pay more attention 🙄
a1Matt said:
I'd like to check the tank out as well.
I could tag along with Rik
You're more than welcome 😀 You have a PM.
Look forward to your 'project' :thumbup: