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Moss id help

By no means am I knowledgeable about moses but ive just bought a big portion of Weeping Moss, Vesicularia ferriei and to my eye its identical to your picture, I know some moses look very similar but I hope this helps I also hope what I have bought is weeping moss.
By no means am I knowledgeable about moses but ive just bought a big portion of Weeping Moss, Vesicularia ferriei and to my eye its identical to your picture, I know some moses look very similar but I hope this helps I also hope what I have bought is weeping moss.

Hope you haven't been sold a dud Mark 😳
I reckon on Taxiphyllum barbieri - good old Java moss ...shall we start a sweepstake?
Hi all,
I reckon on Taxiphyllum barbieri - good old Java moss ...shall we start a sweepstake?
Name the moss is always a good game. But I had a look today at some of mine, and I'm 95% sure this is Leptodictyum riparium, which is wiry in texture and has a twist in the stems. I think the leaves are showing the transition from emersed to submerged forms as you move along the branches.

Despite the fact it seems to do well in tropical tanks, even low tech ones, it is a British native and usually grows emersed.

cheers Darrel
I'm pretty certain Darrel's right,(no surprise there 😀) although if you want to start a sweepstake I'm prepared to send Darrel a sample for confirmation :lol: