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Journal Mission Bathtub 2018

Very cool! looks like its working a treat, I dont fully understand how the overflow is working, I have looked at your diagrams but I guess I have no experience with this stuff so its gone over my head, how is the water flowing up your overflow section into the dripper pipe? I see the pump moving water from the box to the tub which makes sense but I thought you would also need a pump to draw the water from the tub into the box!

Loving all the DIY! looks great
Very cool! looks like its working a treat, I dont fully understand how the overflow is working, I have looked at your diagrams but I guess I have no experience with this stuff so its gone over my head, how is the water flowing up your overflow section into the dripper pipe? I see the pump moving water from the box to the tub which makes sense but I thought you would also need a pump to draw the water from the tub into the box!

Loving all the DIY! looks great
Thank you.. 🙂

It's simple, it works the excact same as an overflow box used in aqauriums for a sump, there is no difference. 🙂 I'll try to explain again with the diagram, but this time follow th ered arrows.
The water is pumped from the box to the tub.. Obviously the water level in the tub will rise.. Now that overflow 50mm PVC is vacuum, it needs to be primed by sucking all air out. That 70mm T is caped/sealed at the bottom, so there always will be a cup of water at the T's bottom. The water flows in at the horizontal opening.

Now the 110mm PVC in the box also has a caped/sealed botom and is actualy a seperate box in the box..

Now by the law of communicating vesels the water level in the tub always wants the equal the water level in the 110mm PVC box via the vacuum overflow. The drip pipe is placed bellow the water level of the tub. So the water level in the tub equals with the water level in the drip pipe. When the water in the tub rises the water in the drip pipe rises and will overflow into the baskets.

Now if the pumps stops the water level in the tub will keep lowering till it reaches the bottom of the horizontal part of the 70mm T in the tub. The legs from the 50 mm vacuum overflow are longer, that way the always stay under water. Even if there is no flow it can nver empty it stays filled and vacuumed. See red line in diagram "Water lock".. The moment the pump starts up again the whole cycle starts flowing again..

See this, mine works the exact same way.. 🙂
Thank you.. 🙂

It's simple, it works the excact same as an overflow box used in aqauriums for a sump, there is no difference. 🙂 I'll try to explain again with the diagram, but this time follow th ered arrows.

Great thanks for taking the time to explain! I have never looked into overflows so had no idea how they worked! Its clear now! Very clever way to supply water to your drip pipe! love it! Keep us updated!
View from the Kitchen window.. 🙂 Still not all plants in place, but getting somewhere..
There still is a planted Tub next to the wooden barrel behind that shabby wall.. It taller than the barrel but unfortunately it's very old and leaking.. But the idea is making the water cascade from the tall planted tub into the barrel, into the tank, into the filter box and than into the bath tub and back to the top. But also the wooden barrel aint 100% water proof to make it flood. Than it'll lose water, mayeb a few litre a day, in a closed system that would mean constant refilling. So for now the 2 top tubs arent in the system. Need to replace the tal tub with a new one and need to coat the inside of the barrel with liquid rubber to make it 100% water proof. Something for next year.. 🙂

As you see the little outdoor aquarium is placed back.. 🙂
It actualy did good in the cellar.. It came out completely algae free and over growen with the potamogetons.. Had to cut a darn lot of it out.. The Lobelia and Nymphoides suffered a bit from light deficiency, but survived the very low light cellar periode. What surprised me was the Lilaeopsis brasiliensis carpet that developed during the winter time, it ran all over the place. I wonder where this is going now it is in the sun again.. Also i will see if i get that Lobelia to propagate and keep most of it submersed and maybe one or 2 popping the surface.. 🙂 That clean cobble is a new one i replaced.. This will color up again due time, te 2 other old rocks are actualy the same color, but covered with aufwuchs.

This side is teh Nimphoides and still don't know which one it is only know it's a tropical one. Hopefully it flowers this year.. I suspect it's a water snowflake.. The Indica or affiliated.. The rest in the back is potamogetons and elodea i kept for now.

Thanks!... 🙂 I got mine als second hand, found it many years ago in a farmers meadow as drinking through. The guy i bought the half wine barrel from also sells these tubs. I know he imports the old used barrels from france.. I guess in france also these tubs are still pretty common. And you might be lucky at shabby chick antique stores still having them. Or Ebay..
Was that after you supped the wine first. Haha. Looking good Marcel
Love it. Lots of growth. And well thought out. The fish look good. And look as though there enjoying it too.
As always impressed.

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this is really going great. has inspired me but im really struggling to find an old bath tub or Trough for cheap enough (can't dig a pond as its a paved garden) hopefully i will soon though
B&M recently had wooden barrel planters £24 nice size,burnt inside too for weather proof,sold for planting but with a liner could make a good pond for the small garden
Was that after you supped the wine first. Haha. Looking good Marcel
Love it. Lots of growth. And well thought out. The fish look good. And look as though there enjoying it too.
As always impressed.

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

Haha thanks Fred.. And no unfortunately it came without wine.. Tho it still was completely red inside with i think some sugary crystalized deposits on the wood. It definitively had wine in it fr some decades.. Didn't try maybe i shold have tasted the first flood. The fish are doing great, they always love it it outdoors, seems the weather changes and sun shien have a very possitive effect on them. And it stimuliates their natural cycle, the temp changes bring them into spawning, that's an exciting play time for them.. 🙂 And that aquaponic style filter box is definitively a stayer.. Finaly no more pumps and filters in the tub. :thumbup:
B&M recently had wooden barrel planters £24 nice size,burnt inside too for weather proof,sold for planting but with a liner could make a good pond for the small garden

My barrel is pretty waterproof and it doesn't need a liner. But it takes a little time for the wood to soak and expand to water proof it. Oak wood is darn water proof actualy remarkable. The only thing is because its a sawn in half wine barrel i'm missing a top ring. It's these iron rings making the expanding wood clamping tight to eachother. But missing the top ring it can't be filled all the way to the top.. It leaks till a few centimeters bellow its top side. That's why i can't put it into the system and make it overflow. Than it would constantly lose some water, finaly draining the system or refill 10 litres a day. That's a bit to much. Diy me an iron ring could be an option but there are some great liquid rubber products on the market for pond building nowadays to coat the inside. A tad more expensive than liner, but eastheticala more pliable to use.. 🙂
I think i'm about complete with the planting.. 🙂 The ferns arrived, planted them and i see a lot of plants comming back i planted last year.


The Asplenium trichomanes, in a hollow piece of DW.. It's hollow all the way through so it's root tips are in the water.
Some Thelypteris palustris left from it.

Here some more Thelypteris palustris, still very small and young.. One also in a hollow piece of wood together with some mosses and water navel.

All next to the island basket, that one stands on a few stacked rocks and the fish can hide beneath it.. All togheter, needs some time to grow, it contains some water navels, cyprus, gratiola, carex, creeping jenny, echinodorus and maybe some more yet not showing.. And i think once grown in that's going to turn out pretty Wabi Tuba this year..

Still early and still time.. Laid back and wait is all i can do for now.. 🙂

And a Thelypteris palustris experiment in the little tank, a piece of rhizome with leaves semi submersed on wood. :nailbiting:
🙂 Changed the island basket, it is no longer a complete island.. Now 1/3 of it is a small super shallow pond in the pond. And there is a cave under the wood as well. The baskets edge is 10mm bellow the surface, that gave me the idea. The swimming area in there maybe 4 cm. Only the small fish can flip overside ways to explore it.. And it only took 5 minutes before one figured it out it was accessible and no longer an island.. And if the camel once gets his nose in the tent, his body will soon follow. 4 at the same time is the most i counted till now, not yet all found the courage to follow.
Looking great Marcel, I don't think I've ever seen goldfish so happy, I swear I could almost see them smiling 😉