This morning i was hunting for snails in my wine barrel..
🙂 The helophyte swamp bucket and filter basket
From what amfibious animal would these be? Doesn't look like frog or toad, tho i found some toads in the garden lately. And this time of year also sems a bit odd to me. But they are there.. Realy wonder what will come out of it.. I'll keep track of it to see how it developes if it doesn't get eaten by something along the way. Maybe i should take a few inside and put in a jar?
🙂 Does anybode recognize this? Also seeing the amount of eggs it aint a small animal like a salamander or something. It aint frog nor toad as far as i can find out i guess..
I think i found the answer.. Lately found a very huge and ugly slimey
Leopard slug crawling around my garden. I suspect thats the culprit.. Also have many
helix pomatia snails around.. Darn
and i was hoping for something beautiful and interesting. And probably end up with a ton of rather hidious little plant eating monsters.
Remarkable if it is snail or slug that they cary such a large amount of rather large eggs.. If it was from one and the same snail. Never found some like this before.. Probably snail, but not the one i was hunting for..