Sammy I
So how much (more) mgso4 are you guys adding in total? I'm going to double my dose and see if that helps.
@Zeus. If you recall my earlier posts ( maybe a different thread I cannot remember ) I was suffering problems with my hygrohila 53b, hygrohila Compacta and hygrohila araguaia suffering pin holes, pale colouration (N/mg/Fe/K defiency symptoms,) staghorn algae and to soon end up with no growth and leaf drop but the one species you keep mentioning is hygrohila and its the one species I've had problems with maybe its a coincidence?. My java fern was growing,HC was growing but these was still experiencing pale growth and staghorn. Since adding the extra mg and k ( K2SO4 ) all my plants have coloured up and all plants have began to grow again although slowly. Staghorn has gone and not reappeared but its early days. I tried adding extra Fe in the form EDDHA, extra no3,extra po4 but no joy only until I added extra magnesium and k adjusting to these ratio's.maybe its species related or maybe there is something that we and our inferiors are over looking?
So how much (more) mgso4 are you guys adding in total? I'm going to double my dose and see if that helps.
Hi Folks,
If you haven't already seen the following thread on another forum, it makes for very interesting reading. I really like the very detailed account of everything that 'kekon' did. Very methodical. Note the date of the thread!
Hey @jaypeecee I must admit that I'm surprised that after so many years someone still quotes kekon's experiments - it was always good, very detailed source of info for me.
Hi Folks,
If you haven't already seen the following thread on another forum, it makes for very interesting reading. I really like the very detailed account of everything that 'kekon' did. Very methodical. Note the date of the thread!
Mate, whenever someone shows me a spreadsheet or some on-line calculator I always feel a wave of nausea. I mean, really, why all the calculations? For your size tank why not just dump 2 teaspoons KNO3, 1 teaspoon of KH2PO4 3X per week and 1 teaspoon trace 2X per week. End of story. Ifyou think you need Mg then just toss a couple teaspoons of the Epsom Salt in at water change. This is science, but it doesn't have to be Rocket Science. I just use the 2:1:1 rule and call it good. i don't even look at those stupid spreadsheets. It's just so energy sapping.
Yeah, coincidences happens a LOT in this hobby. That's what makes everyone so crazy...
but dumpped 100g of MgSO4.7H2O in 500l tank this morning.
Ca to Mg ratios
Yes the ratios are a very good fit. I use this ratio with regard to water analysis in general, however tap water can be lower. Bottled water typically comes out of dolomitic limestone. Potassium boost - about 10ppm. IE should be EI Estimated Index. Dyslexia lures KO.
Yes the ratios are a very good fit. I use this ratio with regard to water analysis in general, however tap water can be lower. Bottled water typically comes out of dolomitic limestone. Potassium boost - about 10ppm. IE should be EI Estimated Index. Dyslexia lures KO.
When you have a lot of Ca++ ions the next “taxi” on the rank is much more likely to be a Ca++ ion, rather than a Mg++ ion,
EI dosing schemes are based on "infinite availability" of individual nutrients
Does it means that we can pour 50 ppm of N, 50 ppm of K, 50 ppm of Fe, 50 ppm of B, 50 ppm of Mn and plants will selectively choose whatever they need?
Are you guys saying that because of your hard water, you need to dose even more MgSO4 than the standard APFUK mix?
Are we now dismissing the idea of an optimum Ca:Mg:K ratio being provided in the aquarium water?
FWIW, I do know that Tropic Marin in their Re-Mineral Tropic RO salts formulation uses three times more Ca than Mg.
I take it its used for Remineralising water thats been though an RO unit ? and so the Ca:Mg ratio is 3:1 ! do they suggest to add enough to yield a [Ca] of 120ppm ! I doubt it so why should I follow the 3:1 ratio and get my Mg to 30ppm as my water has 121 ppm Ca 😉 the EI range for Mg per week is 5 to 10ppm Mg