Hi Folks,
If you haven't already seen the following thread on another forum, it makes for very interesting reading. I really like the very detailed account of everything that 'kekon' did. Very methodical. Note the date of the thread!
Yes read that last night did you see when it was posted ? 07-01-2007
T Barrs
Balancing Calcium and Magnesium last post was May 6, 2012
Quote from T Barrs post-I think many see some correlation and assume that is meaningful, when they have not demonstrated and tested the alternatives.
Then they assume ratios are important, then this leads to myths.
Since I've added more mg+k and adjusted to this ratio everything seems better
I think it is the Mg that our tanks need (or was missing)
I do one Macro and trace mix and use them on two tanks 500l and 50l former dosed at 100ml and later 10ml per dose.
Started on APFUK ppm and no real issues for some time
then moved over to Clives guidelines with a Fert adjustment here and there at some time developed a deficiency which seemed to be Fe. So changed over to DIY Trace mic and using Fe EDDHA/DTPA
Was getting mixed results with symptoms coming and going but always struggling with Hygrophila pinnatifida
The only diferance lately is the 500l gets Fe EDDHA and the later gets Fe DTPA, but in the past its been a bit of a mix of both EDDHA and DTPA the light is more intense in the 50l. Both tanks have twinstars/chihiros doctors, Both DCs same colour Yellowish green and the 500l was getting LCO.
The plants always did better in the 50l and it has had me a little perplexed for some time. But things use to be better and there was no sudden change just gradual. So my AS was getting old and I had hard water etc etc......
Tanks was getting worse lately so checked my DIY trace mix and found an error my
B and Mo calculations 4/2/2020 fix it, changed the trace mix and small tank has improved quite a bit and some of 500l tank has but Hygrophila pinnatifida, Blyxa Japonica and Ceratopteris thalictroides hasnt with Hygrophila pinnatifida still suffering the worse.
Thats when I revisited this thread earlier this week and checking my Macro mix I spotted another error! -When doing my [Mg] calculations when I was working though the results of my MgSO47H2O grams added to my dosing bottle must off selected MnSO4.H2O by mistake on the Roltala Butterfly page instead of MgSO47H2O which gave about one third less in grams needed to make the dosing solution.
Not realising it made up the solution and dosed away so Mg ppm in tank was one third less than what was planned. Not sure when it happen but it was months ago.It wasn't till I worked though the calculations I spotted that the resultant weekly [Mg] in ppm didnt match the mass of MgSO47H2O added. But when MnSO4.H2O was selected it fitted the results. Result of making adjustments/calculations late at night or after a busy day at work
Then another penny dropped
500L gets 50% WC weekly no top ups of tap water
50l gets 70 to 80% WC plus top up of tap water
So the 50L was getting more Mg from a bigger WC plus top ups

OFC not much but more Mg per week. It was still getting a Ca:Mg ration of 24:1 from the tap water I added
So the extra Mg the smaller tank was getting was nothing to do with a better Ca:Mg ratio and it fits what T.Barr surgest about 'Liebig's law' i.e. Mg was the limiting element.
It will be interesting to see how my Hygrophila pinnatifida responds to the extra Mg in the 500l, the Hygrophila pinnatifida in the 50l looked better to start with and was improving after fixing the trace error fix but after adding some extra Mg a few days ago it does look better again, but is that the extra Mg or the better trace mix!!
For the time being I am with T Barr after all he has done many tanks with different Ca:Mg ratios and he reports that 'Liebig's law' fits the results he has seen, Plus some of his early post in various threads he does suggest a possible possible ratio for ferts, then years later he has dropped the ratio suggestions posting ''Then they assume ratios are important, then this leads to myths.'', so just add some extra Mg if you think its the limiting factor
Time will tell
(Sorry for big post)