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Low Tech Sumatra Biotope

Even PF prohibit Live Fish or Fish Fry. These fish retailers are not doing right by the fish really.

I hope yours gets there safely. Its going to need some R&R.
Hi all,
I have received a refund and email from the store this morning so its safe to assume that these fish are not being delivered today
I'll be honest, I think you may have dodged a bullet there. I might try putting out feelers to <"Premier Aquatics">, Ste Chesters will know if they are likely to be available, and where you might get them from.

A lot of less common fish pass around amongst specialist breeders and keepers etc. without ever appearing for sale. Because of where I live I don't access this network very often (I keep soft water fish in an area with very hard tap water, and very few keepers of Apistogramma etc)., but you have a lot more chance of finding some-one local to you in the North.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

I'll be honest, I think you may have dodged a bullet there. I might try putting out feelers to <"Premier Aquatics">, Ste Chesters will know if they are likely to be available, and where you might get them from.

A lot of less common fish pass around amongst specialist breeders and keepers etc. without ever appearing for sale. Because of where I live I don't access this network very often (I keep soft water fish in an area with very hard tap water, and very few keepers of Apistogramma etc)., but you have a lot more chance of finding some-one local to you in the North.

cheers Darrel
Thank you, I'll head back onto the BAND app as well see if I can narrow down any that way as well

Failing that I could always take the Mrs for a nice romantic drive to .... Runcorn 😀
Hi all,
Failing that I could always take the Mrs for a nice romantic drive to .... Runcorn
It is underrated as a tourist venue, but you could also call in on industrial Deeside, "the north Cheshire Riviera" while you are there?

<"Aqualife Leyland"> would be another possibility, allowing you to enjoy the scenic delights of Burnley, Accrington, Blackburn and Preston on the way?

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

It is underrated as a tourist venue, but you could also call in on industrial Deeside, "the north Cheshire Riviera" while you are there?

<"Aqualife Leyland"> would be another possibility, allowing you to enjoy the scenic delights of Burnley, Accrington, Blackburn and Preston on the way?

cheers Darrel
Thank you for those Shop recommendations.
I have emailed Premier Aquatics and waiting on a response currently, I also emailed Aqualife Leyland to see if i get a similar response.

I have also run the fish shopping trip pas the and we have come to an agreement, I can go Fish Shopping if we can also go lock at Pretty Rocks (Crystals).
I would also like to get some of those Tank Janitors from you if I may?
I assume that we would have to move that chat to a PM?
Thank you, I'll head back onto the BAND app as well see if I can narrow down any that way as well

Failing that I could always take the Mrs for a nice romantic drive to .... Runcorn 😀
Speak to Waterford aquatics, she used to specialise in wild bettas. I received my Betta rubra and Albamarginata from her. She has a supplier in Indonesia who can source most things.
Speak to Waterford aquatics, she used to specialise in wild bettas. I received my Betta rubra and Albamarginata from her. She has a supplier in Indonesia who can source most things.
Thank you i am in that BAND group and currently in a conversation with them as well as a few others
Even PF prohibit Live Fish or Fish Fry. These fish retailers are not doing right by the fish really.

I hope yours gets there safely. Its going to need some R&R.
I wouldn't be concerned I've received and used RM. Technically they allow invertebrates but not vertebrates.

From my experience (I can't speak for their sorting procedure) but DX who are licenced to carry live animals are worse than RM. The fish don't get any special care in transit same as RM, it's just the arrive before 1pm guarantee same as RM. My last order came via DX. I was the 20th delivery slot and the driver sat outside my house for 30 mins on the phone having an argument with his wife.
I was concerned about RM sorting/delivery but my postie friend assured me that anything marked as live gets handled very carefully and from the fish I've received via RM I would agree. I thought the postie was trying out for a bomb disposal job when he delivered fish here.

I'm sure you'll get people that just don't care but they're in all organisations regardless of procedure.

I'm sure everyone will have different experiences with the various delivery services and getting live animals transported isn't ideal regardless of the service used.

I think the main thing is that the seller only posts if overnight temps in both locations are above 10c, uses a good heat pack, insulated box, clearly mark that there is a live creature in there and which way the box should be kept.

For me the price difference between RM, DX, and the other licenced courier I forget the name of, isn't worth worrying about. It's more that as long as RM honours their by 1pm guarantee. I can guarantee that they won't be in the bag for any longer than 20hrs. With DX it could be 24-29hrs because they only give a window of 8am-3pm for collection and so I don't know when the best time to bag them up will be.
Ooh, I love Stiphodon. Those you have look quite like what are sold as Cobalt Blues at places like MA. (2 females and a male ?) They can live a long time. I have an S.ornatus male who is at least 9 years old and still going strong. He likes to think he is the boss of the tank.

Thank you, I do have an affection for Gobies with my time with nano Reef Keeping. These were for sale in the Aquatics section of a local Garden Centre under Stiphodon Species.... I do believe that they are the "Cobalt Blue" version
I am relatively certain that I have at least one male and one female, the other fish I am current unsure of but was thinking (and hoping) that it is another female.
When I bought my batch (around a decade ago) I sadly knew nothing about their dietary needs. All but one died. My one male adapted to eating "normal" fish food, pellets etc and has apparently just thrived on it. I am ashamed to say that the rest just starved to death I think. What are you intentions about feeding them ? If I bought a new lot these days I'd go straight for Repashy Soilent or Super Green.
When I bought my batch (around a decade ago) I sadly knew nothing about their dietary needs. All but one died. My one male adapted to eating "normal" fish food, pellets etc and has apparently just thrived on it. I am ashamed to say that the rest just starved to death I think. What are you intentions about feeding them ? If I bought a new lot these days I'd go straight for Repashy Soilent or Super Green.
I've pretty much left the tank to "do it's thing" in regards to algae. So in the tank there is my main rock island, this has mostly been used to baffle the direct flow of my return so there are patches of rather "unsightly" algae that I actually quite like, I've seen the trio feeding around this a lot. I've also noticed that they target the strands of hair algae around the tank, or more likely the micro fauna that lives within it. One stick in particular is now very clean.

I've also come from a reefing background and believe in adding biodiversity into the tank as much as possible, I'm fairly certain that I've seen cyclops, seed shrimp and maybe daphnia in the tank. Some of which I've added from my cultures of infosuria. I've also got spirulina algae and green water that I dose the tank with to further enforce and supplement this.

I've also seen them take and one of them spit out some of the bug bites that I crush up and add to the tank. I will however look into the suggestions for the foods. So thank you for the recommendation
This is my favourite tank on UKAPS.

Would you want to try growing a rare Lagenandra species? I can send you some Lagenandra nairii but I'm not sure how confident I am sending tropical rare plants this time of year... I've always been interested to know whether they grow under water but my tanks feel cursed even though they grow nicely emersed for me.
This is my favourite tank on UKAPS.

Would you want to try growing a rare Lagenandra species? I can send you some Lagenandra nairii but I'm not sure how confident I am sending tropical rare plants this time of year... I've always been interested to know whether they grow under water but my tanks feel cursed even though they grow nicely emersed for me.
Thank you so much, seeing how there are quite a few amazing tanks on here that's very high praise indeed.

I'm more than willing to give it a go if you'd like, although I would want to do a little reading on it first if you don't mind? And yes the weather has certainly been a bit chillier lately I'm not too sure about the postage method. Unless it's like some of my houseplant cuttings and send with damp sphagnum moss around the roots?
I don’t know if you can find much it’s an uncommon plant. But nice if more people had it. I genuinely don’t think it’s one you can buy anymore these days