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Low light stem?

I only have experience with rotala's, Limnophila sessiliflora and a few others, which can mostly tolerate low light conditions. However, they tend to grow leggy and loose their compact shape when in such conditions and will likely reach for better light conditions.

Others may have better suggestions.

Does it have to be stem?
Has anyone grown Hygrophila corymbosa or polysperma in low light? Limnophila sessiliflora?

Considering Hydrocotyle leucocephala as well, but I know from experience it won't grow very full without light.
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Has anyone grown Hygrophila corymbosa or polysperma in low light? Limnophila sessiliflora?

Considering Hydrocotyle leucocephala as well, but I know from experience it won't grow very full without light.

Another Hydrocotyle option is Tripartita - that does okay in lower light - though my experience of it was in a CO2 injected tank.

I currently have Limnophila sessiliflora growing very rapidly in a low tech and very low light tank as @Miniandy suggests. I've been quite surprised by how well it has done. I'm not sure I'd class it as 'bushy' but certainly if you rack up enough stems in close proximity it could start to look that way.
