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London/Essex UKAPS winter get together!

Arana said:
Lisa_Perry75 said:
Is George not coming?

No he can't make it now i'm afraid 🙁 i's a shame but sometimes life just puts it foot down and demands your attention 🙄

Yes, sorry I can't make it.

Believe me, I'd love to come, but circumstances beyond my control have dictated otherwise.
Np, obviously would be good if you could come, I just saw you were missing off the list but most people that couldnt come had also said so on here... 🙂
Alright, I could do with your no tonight asap tommorow since I'm setting of straigh t after college and won't get chance to read my mail.
Sorry to be a nuisance.
I am pretty poor and have just realised where you live mark, so I may just go to MA in St Albans and fish heaven (aka the road with wildwoods).
By the time we leave MA in St Albans I think everyone will be a hungry so we can get lunch...

It's a bit of a bugger being a student :evil: