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London/Essex UKAPS winter get together!

Yeh, its geeky to others but to some of us (me and jeremy especially) its just another weekend!
Agreed, can't wait. the first time I will have met someone with a passion for planted for me.
Did this not get changed to the Saturday, the 23rd of Feb?

PS First post says Saturday 24th, but my calendar says its the 23rd on the Saturday...
Not long before Saturday the 23rd is upon us, i'll post a final list of members coming soon and we can discuss the final arrangments. 😀

I have just had 15 pots of Tropica Rotala delivered, vey healthy but very small specimens, i hope they gow a bit before the get together otherwise the tank backgound might look a bit sparse!
Bought my ticket today.
Hope to hear from you soon regarding a plan.
Hi all, time to make some plans 😀

I suggest we meet at MA St Albans about 11am then once we have finnished there we can come down to Wildwoods, from there it's about 30mins to Urban Aquatics my local LFS. Then back to mine for some food, drink and plant chat... how does that sound?
Sounds good, would I be able to travel down the day before, I won't be able to make it for 11 otherwise.