The tap water I'm now cutting my RO with (after being advised to stop using Equilibrium and associated buffers) has around 20ppm of Nitrates. So using a 50/50 cut with RO that's giving me around 10ppm plus whatever is generated in the tank from fish waste etc, so I figure I don't need to add any nitrogen.
In terms of my dosing as I said before I'm using very low levels. Currently I dose the following in an aquarium with ~32L of water:
Flourish Complete - 0.3ml twice a week (0.6ml)
Flourish Potassium - 0.64ml twice a week (1.28ml)
Flourish Iron - 0.4ml twice a week (0.8ml)
Flourish Phosphorus - 0.75ml twice a week (1.5ml)
The calculator I liked to above, set to EI Low Light/Weekly dosing suggests I should be dosing in the following over a week:
Flourish Complete - 1ml (to achieve 0.1 ppm FE)
Flourish Potassium - 6.7ml (to achieve 10 ppm K)
Flourish Iron - 0.32ml (to achieve 0.1ppm FE)
Flourish Phosphorus - 8ml (to achieve 1ppm PO4)
Then looking at the 2 Hour Aquarist website ( he provides some guidelines on target ppm for various elements. If I took the recommendation for those which he considers to be dosing 'lean' I'd be looking at using the following:
Iron/Trace 0.3ppm - Flourish Complete 2ml / Flourish Iron 0.32ml
Potassium 15ppm - Flourish Potassium
Phosphates 7ppm - Flourish Phosphorus
Nitrates 7ppm - nothing to add, already abundant
Magnesium 5ppm - ????
So it really looks like I'm good or even a little overdosed on Iron and nitrogen but for Potassium and Phosphates I'm adding way less than I should be, even if I were being conservative and adding half the amount he suggests.
Magnesium is a concern too. I believe I was previously getting this from remineralising with Equilibrium but now that I'm cutting my RO with tap water instead I don't think I have enough. The latest water quality report on my water company's website is from 2018 and shows 3mg/L of Mg in the supply. That's an average based on seven reading over the year. Lets presume it's still valid it means I'm getting 1.5mg/L once cut with my RO water. Where do I get the extra 3.5mg/L of Mg from? Seachem don't sell a 'Flourish Magnesium' - I guess because they want you to be buying and using Equilibrium to remineralise.
Do you not think based on the above that I'm significantly under-dosing on Potassium and Phosphates?