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Life uh… Finds a Way


14 Dec 2021
I want to show you guys this outdoor bucket I set up a few months ago. Which, Initially just to do a test with concrete rock to host faunas in freshwater.
The plants includes; Echinodorus ‘Rosé’, Echinodorus uruguayensis, Alocasia cucullata, Cymbopogon sp., Lepironia articulata, and another random Sedge that grow submerged underwater. The faunas includes Ostracods and insect larvae (probably caddisfly).
During the afternoon, it exposed to direct sunlight which causes the water temperature to reaches 40C (+-3 because the thermometer isn't that great :/) and surprisingly the plants, ostracods and insect larvae survive and thrive. Life truly finds a way.

Does anyone know if Ostracod, Caddisfly and other insect larvae eat mosquito eggs? I noticed the lack of mosquito larvae in the bucket.
Hi all,

I think some insect larvae will, purely because you never get mosquito larvae in "ponds" that are not transient.

Bizarrely Tricladida ("Planaria") do. I have no idea how they catch the mosquito larvae. <"https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1049964414000097">.

cheers Darrel
There are a lot of mosquitoes in another bucket that isn't temporary but doesn't get much sunlight, it might as well be that those larvae can’t thrive in high temperature. Some idea here, do you think we could create niche habitat to get the Thermophiles extremophiles to appear?
Hi all,
There are a lot of mosquitoes in another bucket that isn't temporary but doesn't get much sunlight,
Shady is what they like, often in car tyre ponds <"How Tire Piles, Heat, and Population Density Drive Mosquito Abundance"> .
Some idea here, do you think we could create niche habitat to get the Thermophiles extremophiles to appear?
I'm pretty sure there will be air breathing? Insect larvae adapted to thermal refuges, just because the water temperature and lack of oxygen will exclude may potential predatory organisms.

Edit: <"INSECTS IN THERMAL SPRINGS | The Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada | Cambridge Core">

cheers Darrel
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