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Leaving hobby or move to Low Tech (260 litre bow fronted tank)

Hi, thanks for this sciencefiction, I do have some new stems arriving from Big Clown so these will add some bulk to the planting from start up so i'll take it steady and watch daily, not yet ready still....soil still not dry enough for me, hopefully this weekend's heatwave may complete this process then I can give it a final riddle to rid the smaller stones remaining and add my powdered clay.
I've managed to get 2 more 2kg fire extinguishers today to keep me going if my existing one should run out while waiting for final bits, but as i've been blessed with a great local gent who only charged me £10 for 2 x filled FE's I have no grumbles over the past 18 months or so, he's now retiring so me going low tech is the right time, i'll most likely keep my c02 gear though in case I get an ADA60p or NA tank when I win the lottery lol...

My Lights while not worrying me too much, i'm sure they'll be fine being T5's, i've already reduced the lighting 3 weeks ago still running c02, i've had the 2 x 21W tubes running without reflectors and it was pretty low light indeed, i've since added back the reflectors and i'll see if this is my starting point, I do still have 2 x 39 watt t5's so I can mix and match and remove reflectors if necessary, I can't raise the height unfortunately due to the std hood.

I have received some lovely floaters from Hoggie and due to my water level being 2" from the lights, i've dropped the level now by 3", this caused a gap in the top of the front glass when looking where the light bounced through so I have simply used black electricians tape on the glass {neatly} to hide this gap, all looks standard still and hopefully the floating plants won't get fried now.

Water changes still 50% per week? well I was doing this to give me more time at home, with 2 kids etc weekends go too quickly for me, I enjoy doing tank maintenence but may look into an Eheim pump, I think Swell are having a pond pump clearance at the moment, i've just been syphoning into an old kitchen bin and jugging back in 130 litres every saturday night, my back can't deal with this anymore lol, so pump and a hose from the kitchen and i'll dose the whole tank volume with Prime rather than my storage buckets. Good thing with low tech is that I can do my water changes when I like, with the c02 set up i've always waited until the end of the week due to EI dosing and also when my C02 injection had finished on a Saturday, so I haven't been starting until 9.30pm, if I also do filter and hose maintenence plus some gardening etc, I don't finish til at least 2am Sunday! hence my need for a change to the dark side.

Anyway, i'm now waiting a few weeks as i'd like to buy some rocks, Manten stone maybe and a trip to Aquajardin in Gloucester as it's not too far from me, so next payday and i'll be off an running. However my wood has arrived so i'll post a pic in a moment.
Slowly getting things in place, payday Monday so i can buy some manten stone and a few more plants.

Quick question about areation of mineralised soil, I've resorted to baking the soil and riddled off any stones not finished yet but this is what it looks like now
Do i need some grit and if so exactly what grit as i don't want to add anything which will upset the water.
Or, can i use my spare akadama as here
This has a high cec but is it ok to add enough flow of water and nutrients to the soil?
I'll be adding my powdered red clay today hooefully.
Sorry this is a slow one, painfully slow,thanks to Andy for the amania bonsai, top quality and so much
I've trimmed my Stauro at the front ready for transplantation to low tech and made a temporary home for the Amania Bonsai at the front, so far no melt and all seems happy
Be sad to knock this down as its doing well

Any comments on the addition of grit or akadama welcomed
Cheers Clive
Maybe something to open up the soil will be beneficial, akadama will do this very well
Cheers guys, I'll get my assistant to give this a rinse tomorrow then, saves buying grit.
I go fishing and have some small groubdbait riddles which has helped me get rid of loads of small unknown stones, just wondering if they would have caused issues with the tank if left in not knowing they're make up etc.
I have some nice pool filter sand for my cap☕
When you mix small particles with large particles, the larger will always eventually come up on top, thus sealing the soil. So I wouldn't bother mixing the soil unless you want a ticker layer.
Natural soil actually has higher CEC than akadama or clay.
Oh ok i see what you're saying thanks, so there's no need to mix anything to help water flow through the soil layer then ? I'm only planning the advised 1" depth topped with pool filter sand. I will also be using the greenhouse mesh between these two layers of that helps.
Yep SF has a point but IME it won't hurt to mix in a little if you want to, the extra structure may help improve gas and nutrient exchange. And if you're using mesh it won't get disturbed - which is what will make it rise to the top. 25mm is a healthy depth.
Back again, I'm looking at stones now, an ebay seller has a good selection at affordable prices and i have two or maybe three options.
He has Manten stone which i know will not raise my ph and also some of this which will raise the ph
My question is, should i stick to the Manten or is it ok to go for a stone which will over time increase the ph and tds? As i will be doing maybe less water changes in a low light set up compared to my existing 50% per week i won't be re setting parameters as much if this makes sense.
Thing is, with what i have in mind for my scape these pieces in the photo do fit well, just unsure if ill be better off in the long term choosing something inert?
Dragon stone on route now☺
My tds from tap is 256ppm, before weekly 50% water change after dosing full ei it's 533ppm, just finished my last high tech water change as i have next Friday off work to strip the tank down and tds is 381ppm before adding any salts so my thinking is a bit of the old dragon isn't gonna raise tds as much as my salts have been when i go low so all fine and dandy besides, i have no chocos or other fish with special needs and i like the stone mate
And so it begins
Tank stripped down, taken all day.
Quick play with stones etc
The wood on the left will be slightly more elevated as have filled two media bags with the akadama i took out the tank today.
Soil ready for the morning, cap and plant heavy☕
Wow I'm pooped

How many hours i don't know but most of the last 3 days ive spent taking down and re scaping with mineralised top soil, some dragon stone and a couple of pieces of wood.
Now I'm not an expert in placing items in an aquarium nor photography so excuse the quality of pics but this is how it went
I've made use of all my existing stems to fill in as much as i could obviously this will be a work in progress and things will change but so far I'm happy to join the dirted tank club