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Juwel Trigon 190 Aquarium - Need Help things not so good


1 Jul 2016
So new tank setup \ build.

Juwel Trigon 190 Aquarium
190 Litres

Eheim 2178 Professional 3e 600T Thermofilter

DD Freshwater CO2 Set

High-Lite Light Unit 70 cm, 2 x 28 W - come as standard

TMC AquaGro Nutrasoil Brown 10 Litres x 2

Swamp Roots Bogwood & Kamishi Bog Wood
Mixed Slate

Im going for mid way between Low and High Tech Planted kit arrived today so a few pictures below

Its going here

2016-11-05 14.23.38.jpg

The kit

2016-11-05 14.23.46.jpg 2016-11-05 14.24.18.jpg 2016-11-05 14.24.26.jpg 2016-11-05 14.24.46.jpg 2016-11-05 14.24.58.jpg

Nearly forgot this essential element.
2016-11-05 15.07.46.jpg

So far so good
2016-11-05 15.56.22.jpg

Tomorrow I plan to paint the back of the tank matt black and fit all the various bits - I will add more pictures.

John B
Tomorrow I plan to paint the back of the tank matt black
you might want to put on a film instead so that you can change colors at some point - black, shades of white to blue, smoky/frosted backings all look amazing & allow you to alter the feel of your aquascape

Nice start to the journal :)
So tank rear painted and now in its home (picture quality is not brilliant sorry)

2016-11-06 08.01.09.jpg 2016-11-06 08.01.24.jpg

Filter time
2016-11-06 08.01.33.jpg

so first issue by default the filter comes with one spray bar - given its a corner tank it would make sense to run a spray bar along each side ? so I need an additional spar bay and some plumbing to connect them together and then to the filter outlet - I envisage some form of T Connector - am I making sense ?

John B
i think this picture explains it better, basic plumbing done but of course spray bar only on one side.

2016-11-06 09.11.36.jpg

John B
There are two ways to solve the flow issue on corner tanks.

1. Make a curved spray bar going around the front of the tank. I have seen this done by small lengths of spray bar linked together by short pieces of PVC tubing. You could try heat bending a length of acrylic tubing to make a curved spray bar. You must ensure your filter is flow rate is rated at least x10 tank volume ie 1900litre/hour.

2. Use two filters and two spray bars. This is what a lot of corner planted tank users end up doing in order to get decent flow and distribution.

Corner tanks are a lot harder to achieve decent CO2 flow and distribution but many people have managed it. Just search the forums to see what other people have done.

Read a bit more here.
Thanks, a bar round the front is a good idea, Im using a EHEIM professional 3e 600 which has an output of:1250 l/h so im ok there (I hope)

Will hopefully sort something today and post a picture or two later.

John B
Im using a EHEIM professional 3e 600 which has an output of:1250 l/h so im ok there (I hope)
You will need more flow, especially in a corner tank. Either another filter (doesn't need to be a heated one) or addition of suitably placed power heads. I use Koralia after having been through quite a few Chinese cheapies.

For planted tanks you will need at least 1900l/hr in your case, the x10 rule.

I was really surprised that despite having 2100litre/hour in my 180litre tank I was still getting CO2 dead spots that produced algae growth on the plants and the drop checker remaining blue when placed in these areas. Addition of a 3200l/hr power head fixed that.

See my previous link of the guy who used two filters and homemade spray bar on front of his corner tank.
Thanks for the feedback - If i understand correctly the simple way forward is to leave the existing spray bar where it is and add a 3200l/hr in an appropriate position, or will I still have to increase the existing spray bar ?

John B
Why not just set up your hardscape etc & test the flow from your current filter

If you do add a lot of flow to the tank, consider fish choice & choose species from faster flowing waters

Like Tropica I don't run my tanks at anywhere near the 10X flow "rule" (unlike Tropica I've no decent video or photos though :oops: :sorry: )
Tropica has loads of Inspiration tanks - most list filters, lights, CO2 etc at the end of the video or on tank specifics page
Juwel did these rather nice planted tanks for Interzoo 2014 - you might contact them for specific details on the display tanks.
So im going to get some additional spray bars and have them at the front of the tank, once up and running if more flow is required I will add a powerhead(s) as required to ensure a good even flow.

John B
Todays Update

Well installed the Filter and CO2 along with power etc

co2.jpg co2.jpg

Now for the spray bar, i have fitted 2 bars on the front (getting a complete picture was a nightmare) hopefully from the images you get the idea, once its up and running if there is not enough ditributed flow and there are deadspots I will add a powerhead.

2016-11-08 15.02.13.jpg 2016-11-08 15.02.25.jpg

The flimsy black pipe is for the CO2 and it goes to a diffuser - think the pipe will need to be a clear one, is there an optimum postition for the diffuser ?

Thanks for looking.

John B


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Think I got to many rocks and to much wood - today is scaping day, pictures will be online later.

2016-11-09 09.54.20.jpg 2016-11-09 09.55.08.jpg

John B
First attempt, i have plenty of rock and many large bits but the phrase less is more came to mind. Feedback appreciated - I understand this is a key stage.
2016-11-09 11.16.18.jpg

John B
So plants have arrived a mixture of

Ludwigia Glandulosa
Bacopa Caroliniana Emers
Alternathera Reineckii
Rotala Spec Grun

Bacopa Amplexiculis
Cryptocoryne Undulatus Kasselman
Pogostemon Stellatus
Hydrocotyle Tripartica

Hemianthis Callirrichoides
Elocharis Acicularis
Cryptocoryne Amicorum

So I have planted, filled the tank, sorted the CO2 and lighting

Filter works a treat and you can hardly hear it, its currenly warming the water up to 24C
CO2 is working and plants are pearling nicely - Im sure there will be some fine adjustments required.

I added a spray bar and have them both at the front of the cabinet (see pictures) and general flow and circulation looks good at the minute

Tommorrow I will be updatng the plants as im not happy and it looks messy.

The plants
2016-11-11 14.01.06.jpg

Spray bar across the front
2016-11-11 17.31.36.jpg

CO2 and Pearling

2016-11-11 17.30.49.jpg
2016-11-11 17.30.06.jpg

and the finished product - it will however look different tomorrow.

2016-11-11 17.30.41.jpg

John B
Hi John, scaping Trigon 190's is a Black Art mate, but plenty people have done it including me, been there and got the T - Shirt.

Looks like you have got off to a good start with all the right kit, but I will bet you a pound to a penny you will not be satisfied with your first four or five attempts at it, it is not quite as simple as chucking a load of substrate and plants into it, trust me I have been there and emptied the tank on many occasion until I got it right. I have a feeling you will also get the dreaded 'New Tank' syndrome with algae issues. Best start reading up on the algae section now so you are prepared.

Check out one or two of the links in my signature block below and they will take you to some Trigon 190 scapes. Some of the photos have disappeared but there are enough still there to give you a few ideas. Page 3 of a Shady Glen.

I wish you the best of luck with it and will watch with interest.


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