Its been a while since I posted
So some Tech info firsr
CO2 - on at 4pm off at 10pm
Lights - on at 5pm off at 11pm
2 x Koralia at 900 l/h each and placed them top left and right and they come on for an hour out of every 6 so 4 times per day - when on all areas of the tank have good movment - when they are off all areas do have movement but much slower
Water Temp 25C
Weekly 40% water Change
Weekly addition of 20ml of JBL Ferropol (day after the water change)
at Midday Ph 7.6 and KH 7 drops so CO2 ppm - 5.3
at 9 pm Ph 6.6 and KH 6 drops so CO2 ppm - 45.2
Typical Chemistry mid week
NH3 - 0
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 20 - 40
6 Amano Shrimp
4 Red Cherry Shrimp - and now 3 babies
6 otocinclus
12 copper harlequin
1 Siamese
a number of small snails
So whats the issue - well everything is growing and the shrimps are having babies so overall its fine - older plant growth looks dirty, some leaves have holes or a little brown - I suppose i want it cleaner, greener if that make sense
So advice really appreciated
Some pics below with comments to demonstrate areas of concern
You can see new growth at the plant is coming up through the substrate, but the older growth looks dirty and tired (if that makes sense)
The fern seems happy if not a little wild
Poor quality leaves - there is good circulation around the plant at substrate level - there are some algae spots on the glass
The plant by the rock was trimmed a week ago - new growth already
More dirty leaves
John B