Thought I’d share my latest project 😁
I have just started building a mizukusa wall system. This will be another new facet of the hobby for me and one I’m looking forward too.
I’ve had a wish list system in storage for a while now and felt with a creative itch to scratch, but indecision on which aquascape to swap out, that the time was right to bring in the ADA cube cabinet full stand kit. I purchased this set from @Horizon Aquatics just before the opportunity arose to purchase the 60p garden stand set from another hobbyist. After finding that set I wanted to set the 60 garden stand up together with the 75p garden stand so the cube cabinet set went on hold.
I had an ADA 60f tank which came as part of the 60p garden stand purchase and thought this would marry perfectly with the dooa mizukusa wall. As it happened I had a vision for a particular scape, and once I placed the tank and wall together I felt the dooa neo terra 23 would be a better option with a shallower aspect and more open aesthetic, so I swapped out the tanks and began playing with sticks and stones to see if my concept would work in the small tank…
I had some large pieces of wio Neptune wood intended for the ea1500 tank. With there being little chance of a return of that set up in the near future I thought I’d like to try the oversized pieces in this open shallow system.
This is pretty much up to date with the scape concept firmed. I just need to deconstruct and rebuild with refinement 😁
The set with the ADA 60f, a beautiful little shallow which I will use for a dedicated scape in the future, but too tall for my plan:

Swapped for the dooa neo terra 23 with the beginnings of the hardscape creation in development.


This is where I am currently and will work on refinement and details over the coming days as and when I have time.
The system is all about the out rather than the in and the underwater section will have little in the way of planting, perhaps only botanicals and a small shrimp colony.
I have just started building a mizukusa wall system. This will be another new facet of the hobby for me and one I’m looking forward too.
I’ve had a wish list system in storage for a while now and felt with a creative itch to scratch, but indecision on which aquascape to swap out, that the time was right to bring in the ADA cube cabinet full stand kit. I purchased this set from @Horizon Aquatics just before the opportunity arose to purchase the 60p garden stand set from another hobbyist. After finding that set I wanted to set the 60 garden stand up together with the 75p garden stand so the cube cabinet set went on hold.
I had an ADA 60f tank which came as part of the 60p garden stand purchase and thought this would marry perfectly with the dooa mizukusa wall. As it happened I had a vision for a particular scape, and once I placed the tank and wall together I felt the dooa neo terra 23 would be a better option with a shallower aspect and more open aesthetic, so I swapped out the tanks and began playing with sticks and stones to see if my concept would work in the small tank…
I had some large pieces of wio Neptune wood intended for the ea1500 tank. With there being little chance of a return of that set up in the near future I thought I’d like to try the oversized pieces in this open shallow system.
This is pretty much up to date with the scape concept firmed. I just need to deconstruct and rebuild with refinement 😁
The set with the ADA 60f, a beautiful little shallow which I will use for a dedicated scape in the future, but too tall for my plan:

Swapped for the dooa neo terra 23 with the beginnings of the hardscape creation in development.


This is where I am currently and will work on refinement and details over the coming days as and when I have time.
The system is all about the out rather than the in and the underwater section will have little in the way of planting, perhaps only botanicals and a small shrimp colony.