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Jobs; What do you do?


28 Jun 2011
Hi guys,

So seeing as though I'm new here; and would like to get to know you all a bit better, I thought it would be a good idea for a thread to see what line of work we're all in!

I'm currently working for Apple; I'm a 'mac specialist' but I have various other roles in the store. Although I did Graphic Design at Uni, this turned up and I'm still with them just over a year later :lol:

I've noticed quite a few mac users on here already.. :clap:

We have a lab saying, "Once you go mac, you don't go back."

Sadly my home computer is a PC, maybe if I didn't spend so much on 'scaping I'd have money for a macbook pro *dreams of shiny happy future*.

To answer the initial question, I'm a posgrad researcher in X-ray crystallography which is structural biology/biochemistry.
I work for Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service as a Training Coordinator.

P,s can you get any discount on a mac 😀
BigTom: 3 year or 4 year PhD? Have you got 'the fear' yet? I have but it is sadly manifesting itself through displacement activities such as coming on here in the middle of the day (don't tell the boss!)

Are those the mice that eat the seabird chicks alive? Or is that somewhere else?
3.5 years. I'm exactly the same mate, got my head firmly buried in the sand about the amount of work I have to do - there is a growing sense of foreboding though! We think these mice might be eating some eggs but you're probably thinking about the mice on gough island, which eat albatross chicks alive!
A Ruftty, tuffty Roofer....

meh 8) ...a posh roofer....Leadworker/CSCS 'Heritage' certified; Sarnafil/certified fitter; tiling;slating. There's not much i cant do to keep the water out. 😀

I get to work on some super swish houses!

Not really living the dream though :lol:
I ensure that our datacenters around the world remain un hacked.

I work for a number of online gaming companies (casinos) and take care of pentesting and pci dss reports.

When we put new games, new servers or open a new office my job is to try and break in. If I break in then the security of the product has to be redesigned. Quite fun really. 🙂

Best job would have been to have a shop like TGM but for now is ok. 😀

I work for Sony Ericsson as a Market Development Manager (MDM) here in Croatia. A lots of field work including trainings for the store staff, in store and outdoor promotions, events, POS materials and so on 🙂

I find my job pretty stressful, so I got addicted to this kind of aquatic therapy :lol:

Cheers :thumbup:
I'm run a vet surgery. My most recent innovation is doing laparoscopic (keyhole surgery) bitch spays or ovariectomies. It's a bit like a video game except that the patients are 70% less painful and the gear costs 40k (rented not owned!).
I did a 5 years apprenticeship as a boat builder then about 5 years as a fisherman followed by 20 years working as a garden designer employing around 5 - 10 staff specialising in swimming pool & koi pond construction but, now I am semi retired working about 15 hours a week maintaining my previous 20 years work with just one guy to help me.
in the week i work as an IT field engineer looking after the core systems for my local water company. At the weekend Im a wedding photographer. In a few years if the market is right I'd like to do the photography full time and work for myself rather than a big company 🙂