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George Farmer

21 Jun 2007
scree [skriː]
(Earth Sciences / Geological Science) an accumulation of weathered rock fragments at the foot of a cliff or hillside, often forming a sloping heap Also called talus

Inspired by a recent mountaineering expedition to Snowdonia.


This is my third attempt at an Iwagumi, and I think it has potential. I think it's the strongest use of hardscape I've used in any design so far.

This dry run with the hardscape has been set up in a 60x30x30cm, but I will be transferring it into a 60x30x36cm opti-white.

There's a couple of minor alterations I need to make, including more attention to detail with the graded gravels, but you can see the effect I am after. The extra 6cm in height with the opti-white will also need to be taken into consideration.

Planting will be minimal with Eleocharis acicularis in the background and probably nothing else.

I've used E. acicularis before as a background and it provides a great backdrop in the appropriate setting; such much better than E. parvula that stays shorter and has a thicker leaf.


I'll be running just one 24w HO T5 along the back of the tank, due to the relatively low plant biomass. Photoperiod will also be minimised to prevent algae build-up on the rocks and gravels/sands, and I'll also dose Liquid Carbon to help minimise algae.

I'm undecided on fish but am considering Sawbwa resplendens, as these thrive in hard water and suit this layout; their body colour complimenting the rocks and gravel, but their head and tail providing a desirable subtle splash of colour.


Aquarium Specifications

Aquarium 60x30x36cm opti-white
Lighting Arcadia OTL (1 x 24w HO T5 6500K), 6 hours
Filtration JBL 1200lph external, Hydor inline heater
CO2 2Kg pressurised, Dennerle reg and solenoid, Boyu inline diffuser
Fertilisation Daily 2ml TPN+, 2ml Plantedbox Liquid Carbon
Decor 20Kg Seiryu Stone (Mini Landscape Rock)
Substrate Unipac Maui Fine Quartz Sand, Maui Course Quartz Sand, Unipac Fine Nordic Gravel, Coarse Nordic Gravel


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Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree

as with every other of your scapes this 1 looks amazing i just wish i had the artistic talent you have to be able to set up something so natural looking 🙂
Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree

The hardscape looks really good but I especially like your choice of fish. I may have to track some of these down myself.
Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree

Thanks, guys.

oldwhitewood said:
You have placed the rocks in such a way as to not contradict their essence. Nice one.
You've been reading too much Amano! Thanks mate.
Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree

BOOM! Blimey George, i'm truly impressed. A wonderful choice of hardscape and a very fresh approach to iwagumi, really bold. Great choice of plants and fish too.

Proper love it mate, can't wait to see it filled, with plants and fish, super swish!
Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree

Dan Crawford said:
BOOM! Blimey George, i'm truly impressed. A wonderful choice of hardscape and a very fresh approach to iwagumi, really bold. Great choice of plants and fish too.

Proper love it mate, can't wait to see it filled, with plants and fish, super swish!
Flattery will get you everywhere mate!! Thanks pal. 😀
Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree

George! Looks sweet mate.

It's great to just practise rockwork in empty tanks, even if it doesn't get planted.

Once this is planted and grown in, I'm certain the scape will be top draw, clean cut like we've come to expect from you.

BTW folks, i've seen high res images from George, and they really are that clean! 😉
Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree

Thanks mate!

I did have fun with this in an un-used tank.

Because there's been no deadline or pressure creating this for a publication or anyone else, I found it really quite therapuetic playing with the rocks. It's like a 3D nature jigsaw puzzle, where the solution is purely subjective and we can only chase perfection because of that. Reminds me of Keymaker's reference to 'Flow psychology' actually.

I'll post a step-by-step when I set it up 'for real' in the opti-white, probably this weekend.
Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree

I think it looks great George, one thing I think you might like to try is to add a slate gravel or more shards of the same rock as your landscape rock to the beige gravels you've used, think Zigs v2.

The best of luck with the scape it has the potential to become something extraordinary.
Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree

I think it would be a subtle but scene making alteration. Gradation is when colours and textures are introduced, if you look at Nature the largest stones tend to be of the same origin the reasons are two fold, they're large and less likely to be shifted from their source, secondly, they tend to be harder, denser rocks which are less likely to break up and therefore be washed away. Where as if you look at the sands and substrates you'll find they're made up from composites of rock with an emphasis on the local vernacular rock depending on the speed of the river, the composites of the substrates/smaller rocks tend to be lighter less dense materials and are as such swept much further from their home source and as such are rounder and of a rock type non-typical of the area.

Hope thats of help to you. It's something I only really noticed from having to do a river study recently and was reinforced after talking it through and including the influence of glaciation and erosion patterns.
Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree

Rocking! 😉 :lol:

Subscribed... :thumbup:

Its good to see you Mods back on the journals! Its been a bit quiet on here lately :geek:
Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree

Thanks again, Gareth.

I think I'll have a play and see what looks best for me. 😀
Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree

andyh said:
Rocking! 😉 :lol:

Subscribed... :thumbup:

Its good to see you Mods back on the journals! Its been a bit quiet on here lately :geek:
Thanks, Andy. 😀
Re: [IWAGUMI] Project Scree

I love the rock work and nice choice of fish something different is always brilliant.