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Is This Manzanita?

Harry Muscle

26 Nov 2017
I found this for sale and I'm wondering if anyone can confirm that this is indeed manzanita wood? According to the seller this piece is 160cm tall.


Pieces like that you can find available as, for instance, wedding decorations. I don't know if there are particular drying/sterilizing things you'd need to do. I'd be wary of a non aquarium seller giving it that name based on aesthetics rather than botany...
Hi all,
I found this for sale and I'm wondering if anyone can confirm that this is indeed manzanita wood?
I'd be wary of a non aquarium seller giving it that name based on aesthetics rather than botany...
I agree with @richardcunliffe, but I'm not sure anyone will have the definitive answer. I would guess that it isn't, mainly because the little branches and twigs are intact. This is Manzanita wood from California <"Manzanita wood shipment to the UK: where to ship it to">.


We have some older threads where @plantbrain (Tom Barr) talks about collecting Manzanita (Arctostaphylos manzanita) at high altitude in the Sierra Nevada mountains <"Where the manzanita I collect comes from">.

Manzanita has the advantage of being an <"Ericoid shrub">, <"resistant to decay"> and of growing slowly in extreme weather conditions.

Inactive member @parotet (Jordi) collected some Juniper in Spain, with similar characteristics <"Nice source of driftwood">.

cheers Darrel
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