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Is this a damselfly larvae?


8 Mar 2019
Looked in my tank today and saw about 6 of these in there all hanging out on the heater. They are only about 2-3mm long and impossible to catch (and just as hard to photograph!)

if you search damselfly larvae in the search box i think you will find your answer.

Sorry cant work out how to share the page.

ah yes. it is haha, not sure why search didn't;t work before. will have to try and syphon them out!
Hi all,
They are only about 2-3mm long and impossible to catch (and just as hard to photograph!)
I'm pretty sure they are <"Swimming Mayfly"> nymphs and specifically the "Pond Olive" (Cloeon dipterum). Damselfly larvae swim with a much slower, wiggly side to side action, where as these go at 90 mile an hour.

cheers Darrel
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oh yeah they are so bloody fast and run too. I'll see how it goes with them as from that post you sent it says they don;t bother fish or shrimp
that would make sense it being those as I have seen 3 or 4 of the adults in the house, and even fed one to my Betta, so that one might have released eggs as I submerged it!