Ady34 said:
Ok,...but theres no harm in doing it 🙂
I thought my light would dictate my growth rates, and much like c02, the ferts are used in relation to these demands :? Im sure it is all far more intricate an interaction for me to ever get my head around hence why it is simplified in the ways we are taught. I think its probably a case that if everything the plant needs is offered in abundance, then increasing any one of the light, c02, fert triangle will result in accelerated growth....but i still struggle to get one right, hence why i want to reduce the chances of fert issues while i concentrate on getting the rest right.
Yep, you're right in that there is no harm in adding more, but again, in the general case where the average person would appreciate the day off, all they would have to do is to increase the dosages on the 5 days and that would accomplish the same thing. Also, we have to be careful that we don't allow ourselves to turn into a yo-yo. As we've said many times, light is indeed at "the top of the food chain" and the schematic is usually shown as:
So it's easy to conclude that the "machine" is always driven from the left to the right all the time. But there is a subtlety. You can actually drive the equation from right to the left in some places, so that the schematic is best described with double headed arrows:
What I'm trying to show in the second schematic is that the abundance of some elements actually drive the uptake demand in the opposite direction. Adding more P actually drives the plant to uptake more N. There is a scenario in which your N dosing may be marginal and you then add a lot of PO4. It's possible to actually drive the N uptake such that the plant actually begins to suffer an N shortage. Extra PO4
can therefore expose the fact that your N dosing is marginal, whereas if you had not increased the PO4 you might not have seen the plant display poor N uptake. So this has happened where someone adds PO4, sees the plant yellowing and draws the conclusion that adding PO4 causes yellowing, instead of realizing that they were not adding enough NO3 for the amount of PO4 being added.
Likewise, you can add a lot more N and this drives the plant to demand more Carbon. So if CO2 were marginal to begin with adding more N might reveal a CO2 shortfall.
The only place the madness ends is on the far left where I show the "><" link between Carbon and light. This too works both ways, but Barr has shown that adding more carbon can decrease the demand for light. In high carbon concentrations the plant does not need to expend energy building light gathering protein structures, so you can use less light and make better use of the available light.
This is one of the reasons that people decide to back away from eutrophic dosing. Tanks can easily become victims of their own success, so they back off from the high lighting, accept slower growth rates and they find that their is a greater range of acceptable concentrations which minimizes the deficiency syndromes in the tank. It also possibly helps to satisfy the craving for bright lights if they use the bulbs that have a high green/yellow content, so that they can use lower wattages (or less number of bulbs) but yet the tank still appears to be bright.
Whitey89 said:
Oiii thats me and my bird
A thousand pardons mate.
😀 I thought you might have Photoshopped that in for better thread viewing numbers. It was monochrome you see. A classic marketing ploy.
Well at least we know now that it won't be like LondonDragon's tedious journal. 85 pages and not one snap of the GF (very disappointed Paulo!) When asked to throw us a bone he posted a picture of some boring pet dog scratching on the sofa. Viewers are hereby encouraged to lodge formal complaints. Boo!
Um...anyway, yeah, nice placement of the rocks, well done mate. Should be a stunner when it fills in.