Sorry to rake over old ground but saves me starting another thread I guess with most of the information already here. Since getting my Purigen probably about 8month ago I have recharged my Purigen about three times. I do a 1:1 solution bleach for a day, give this a rinse and then another 1:1 for 24 hours. I find the first go the Purigen seems to re-absorb some of the staining in the water but after the second it comes out pretty white. I then soak in clean, boiled/cooled water with a couple of drops of dechlorinater in for a few hours followed by rinsing with fresh clean, boiled/cooled water for a few days before putting it back in the filter.
I have used various de-chlo over that period usually whatever was in the LFS I was in at the time, I know for sure Aqua-safe was amongst them, I think King British and possibly API Stress coat although the latter was maybe before I had the Purigen. Being the skin flint I am feels wrong to be binning it if I have had no problems. Is there a way of telling if the Purigen has been damaged in some way? I have ordered another 100ml and some Prime from AE in anticipation of worst case scenario but if I don't need to replace it I can just stock it for future use.
Is it a done deal that I will have damaged it? Any way of telling?
I also have a 5gall tank with some RCS in but I note it may cause problems binding metals. Maybe not a good idea to put the old stuff in there and the new in my main tank!