So I have messages from Eric!
1) I make no claims, everything I show is real! Aquarium was started in 2010, water was never changed. I distance myself from father fish, walstad and others, as I develop my own system. The Erik Brion methods are based on professional wastewater treatment, in which all techniques suitable for aquaristic have been implemented
2) By far the most efficient mechanical filtering is using gravity. Without a strong current in the aquarium, all organic contamination will settle to the bottom. This is sucked away weekly, using a recirculation system where the purified water is immediately pumped back to the aquarium. Sponges, zeolite and purigen do the work here. It seems simple, but the hand of an experienced aquarist is a necessity here. We only want to remove excess organic waste. The rest serves as food for the plants. Proverbially, don't waste the waste literally applies here.
3) The same waste, in the form of very small particles, is also a necessity for our filter to function efficiently. The proponents of major water changes are shooting themselves in the foot here, because without nutrition a biological filter cannot function. The enormous planting provides sufficient oxygen for aerobic filtration, additionally supported by 4 oxidizers filled with hydrogen peroxide. Plants consume contamination, ammonium contains more and easily absorbable nitrogen than nitrate. Plants will therefore first consume the ammonium, relieving The same waste, in the form of very small particles, is also a necessity for our filter to function efficiently. The proponents of major water changes are shooting themselves in the foot here, because without nutrition a biological filter cannot function. The enormous planting provides sufficient oxygen for aerobic filtration, additionally supported by 4 oxidizers filled with hydrogen peroxide. Plants consume contamination, ammonium contains more and easily absorbable nitrogen than nitrate. Plants will therefore first consume the ammonium, relieving the nitrogen cycle.
4) Plastic bioballs ensure optimal mixing of the organic contamination, so that enzymes can catalyze the biological filtration by cracking the pollution. Sponge and cotton wool provide mechanical filtering that is easy to clean. Afterwards, the water passes through glass bead filters for filtration up to 5 microns. Just as in professional water purification, I use the MLE configuration, denitrification before nitrification. As a by-product, a base is created that provides more alkalinity, for better nitrification. Zeopool filters are used to extract very fine particles from the water and break them down biologically. An anoxic reactor filled with zeolite is used to house anammox bacteria. Here, ammonium is immediately converted into nitrogen gas N2 in the presence of nitrite as an oxygen source. No more nitrate build-up as in the classic nitrogen cycle. UV is used as disinfection and to crack organic contamination through photolysis. Hydroxyl radicals are generated through a hydra filter to oxidize contamination, viruses and germs. Purigen adsorbs the last residues that have not been filtered out. A large amount of sera siporax ensures very efficient biological filtration, which we never have to clean due to the pre-filtration. A 1 micron filter provides ultra-fine filtration. All systems are monitored to ensure they function properly. Plant food, CO2, root sticks, minerals and trace elements are composed by myself!