I have a few different ones in my tanks, they are all ones which sustain themselves and act as tank janitors. I know that most marine aquarists and terrarium keepers have <"tank janitors">, but a lot of freshwater aquarists are ill disposed towards to "pest snails" etc.What inverts can be kept safely with fish and plants
Welcome to UKAPS.Hi Darrel I hope you don't mind but I found a strange bug in my fish tank and Googled it and it looks like it is an woodlouse. Anyhowz it lead me to you!.
That is the one, crustacean naming is all to do with legs. It is an Isopod ("all legs the same") crustacean, just like Woodlice.Asellus aquaticus
They are "shrimp safe", but eat the same sorts of things as Cherry Shrimps, you can definitely keep them together.fish safe great for the CUC and fish will eat them if they can catch them.
Have kept them with shrimp in the past, but can't remember if they competed with each other