I bleach dipped my collection of buce as I was suffering from Cladophora algea. I used a 1 in 20 concentration for 1 to 2 mins, followed by rigorous washing and a huge overdose of tap safe (dechlorinator) whilst left in a jug.
Some plants (1 in 5 batches) have subsequently melted and I wanted to try and find out what had gone wrong. I wanted to get thoughts on the following:
Some plants (1 in 5 batches) have subsequently melted and I wanted to try and find out what had gone wrong. I wanted to get thoughts on the following:
- I didn't time the dip, but had trialled the process on a test sample for 2.5mins which had worked well a few weeks ago, but felt it was too long. I amed for 1 min, but having not timed it precisely, it could have been longer. How affected are the plants if the dip time was longer, say 3 or 4 mins?
- Could they have been affected by cold water? Not thinking about it, just washed them off in cold tap water. Could this have affected them?
- I wonder if I forgot to add tapsafe on one of the batches, would this have mattered?
- Could adding too much tapsafe affect them?
- The buce is kept in my shrimp breeding tubs, I used a dose of Bacter AE in the tub afterwards (first time). Could that have caused issues?