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Importing from Tropica


10 Dec 2024

Just out of curiosity as I am planning one day opening my own online business for Aqauscaping, but I have come across a hurdle which I cannot find an answer to.
My main question and hurdle is, do I require any sort of importing license in the UK to buy/import tissue culture plants direct from Tropica from Denmark if I am not mistaken and if so what is the process and how to I go about it.

Thank you in advance

Hi all,
Welcome to UKAPS,
My main question and hurdle is, do I require any sort of importing license in the UK to buy/import tissue culture plants direct from Tropica from Denmark if I am not mistaken and if so what is the process and how to I go about it.
Unfortunately you will need some paperwork <"Plants price increase??">,<"Contact Tropica - Tropica Aquarium Plants">, <"Imports into GB - UK Plant Health Information Portal"> & <"Registration and Plant Passports - UK Plant Health Information Portal">.

Unless you're expecting very large sales? I'd guess that buying them from a Tropica accredited dealer in the UK would be the way (probably the only way) forward.

cheers Darrel
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