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I'm dreaming... Of a big fish tank (documenting fish keeper's dreams)

Speaking of which, in my dreams last night me and @dw1305 were debating what to do with my pygmy seal, that was clearly:
A.not a docile, pygmy harbour seal
B. clearly a much more vicious, larger growing leopard seal
C. Clearly not a corydoras, like the others I bought it with
B. Eating absolutely everything else in the tank.
It was about 25cm long and incredibly potbellied.

The worst part was the leopard seal knew it wasn't supposed to be eating everything in the tank, and kept side eyeing me like a dog that's about to get itself in trouble.
We debated releasing it into a goldfish pond with a litre of tap conditioner (!?) or simply putting it in the neighbours ornamental streams 🤦
The worst part was the leopard seal knew it wasn't supposed to be eating everything in the tank, and kept side eyeing me like a dog that's about to get itself in trouble.
We debated releasing it into a goldfish pond with a litre of tap conditioner (!?) or simply putting it in the neighbours ornamental streams 🤦
It's OK, Meg. I am PM'ing you my shrink's name and address. He will help. 😛
Some really interesting dreams!!! I have quite regular dreams of discovering ponds/rivers that have tropical fish in them. It usually involves Cardinals, but sometimes other species, too. I've had these for years. I was actually a bit blown away to discover (last year), that there are actually places like this, such as the hot spring- warmed river in Austria (or is it Switzerland?), where tropicals have been released and are thriving. Amazing seeing the forest covered in snow, but there are tropical fish in the water!

Another regular dream is discovering a load of vintage Star Wars toys in a shop, but they all disappear by the time I come back with money.
Some really interesting dreams!!! I have quite regular dreams of discovering ponds/rivers that have tropical fish in them. It usually involves Cardinals, but sometimes other species, too. I've had these for years. I was actually a bit blown away to discover (last year), that there are actually places like this, such as the hot spring- warmed river in Austria (or is it Switzerland?), where tropicals have been released and are thriving. Amazing seeing the forest covered in snow, but there are tropical fish in the water!

Another regular dream is discovering a load of vintage Star Wars toys in a shop, but they all disappear by the time I come back with money.
Just come across this thread. I have these dreams too but always ponds though and mainly full with betta fish. Bizarre