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IAPLC 2010 Results are out

Congrats to all who entered!

Cant wait to see some of the final shots!

Its gutting that G-mans 1800l didnt get ranked/left out etc i saw it in the flesh and it was truely world class! :geek:

My last minute entry with an old photo and the equipment all in the tank didn't do as bad as I thought it would lol

Congrats all and congrats to Peter again for setting the standard 🙂
Respect out to everyone that entered :thumbup:

Is there a certain time after the event that entrants are then allowed to publish their entry pics?
Would be nice to see pics of all the UK\Ireland entries in a thread...

clonitza said:
You can find here the proper OCRd version of the results:
Available only today. Hope the link works for everybody.


Nice up :thumbup:
Here is evidence as to not believe everything George Farmer tells you 😉 :lol:

:thumbup: :geek:

IAPLC said:
1574 Jason Griffiths England
he he.. I reckon George scanned the results for 'UNITED KINGDOM' and not 'ENGLAND' as well :lol:
George Farmer said:
There's over 1,800 entries so I may have missed a couple; apologies.

I think those comments are bit unfair. I opened the document and then couldn't be bothered to even read it lol :crazy:
Thanks Dan, George, James and Andy for the comments. Its nice to hear.

I did the 1800l for TGM when I was working there, so I have to give them the credit for letting me do such a thing, it was a privilege - Thanks TGM.
It could be that because I was working for an ADA distributor at the time, that in some way makes me void of entering, I'm not sure. Seems a little unfair to me really. I'm quite disappointed.

Congrats to you all though,its great to see the UK numbers rising. Peter is a quite a genious isn't he? Damn you Peter 😀

I look forward to seeing the images.

Congratulations to all participants. Its nice to see that the numbers are growing. Looks like most of the participants are first time entrants. The level of a contest probably got higher as usual the 10th aniversary adding to that as well.
Missed the works from the top guys especially who are able of great photography as automatically tanks get ranked higher. It would be really lovely to see a scape or 2 in the top 100
Apologies to Mr.Farmer and all entrants if my earlier post offended anyone.
Sometimes because of lack of english words the meaning of my posts could be not exactly what i am trying to say 😉
'Take it seriuosly' i meant the preparation and final photo, the final few steps. You take so much care and time to make the scape so its a shame when the final last steps are overlooked by any reasons such as not taking the equipment out 😉

By the way George i already have a 2011 winning scape, there it is and hope you all like it will have to shoot new photos now not to brake the rules 😉


Graeme Edwards said:
I did the 1800l for TGM when I was working there, so I have to give them the credit for letting me do such a thing, it was a privilege - Thanks TGM.
It could be that because I was working for an ADA distributor at the time, that in some way makes me void of entering, I'm not sure. Seems a little unfair to me really. I'm quite disappointed.

Graeme, i do not think that's the case. I also entered to the contest with a few hundred other ADA distributors around the world. I bet in Japan many ADA aquascaping shop created at least one tank for the contest.

There are no rules that ADA shops and its employees could not enter to the contest.
There's a tech issue with your tank. Maybe it was just too big to fit on their monitor. :lol:
Sorry for the joke man. This is shame they confirmed and lost your tank. I hope they will tell you the real reason.
Hey thanks for all the congrats guys, got lucky again haha. Well done to all who entered its a good bit of gas anyway waiting for the result whatever that may be. Especially well done to Victor, great result right there. That new lad Dan Farmer did well with his first entry as well!!

But I cant believe you didnt get ranked Graeme, unbelieveable, really unbelieveable. Id be gutted after all the effort put in especially on a monster tank like that, feel gutted for ya I really do.

Be back soon guys busy right now, talk to you later.
Congrats Peter and Viktor! As George rightly said, to be in the top 100 means the world. You guys know kung-fu. 😉 Respect.

Graeme, absolutely unbelievable. 🙁 Really interested to know the reason why you got unevaluated like that... 🙁 You deserve better Mate.
i'm sorry, but again, there's some really strange positions/placements for certain tanks. I know of a few UK tanks that are better than certain tanks that placed higher(i wont point out the tanks on the link, i think youll see yourself)

I just don't think there's the care gone into the judging. AGA is where it's at IMVHO

i'll shut up now :silent:

Graeme! sorry man to hear about your entry.
From outside looking in it seems to me that ADA have an ulterior motive of promoting ideas and styles that agree with their own plans. Commercial interest has got to be a factor for ADA, but for the AGA this isn't an issue.

On the other hand I think even entering a competition at ADA standard is something to be be proud of for all those involved, excellent stuff :thumbup:

congrats to all for a lot more UK entries this year! Congrats to tony on the top UK entry and peter for irelands, very well done. Shame about whats happened with Graemes as its most odd, stunning scape he built too, especially when he was hanging in the tank off a harness to get the rocks just so! Really pleased with my placing, are we ok to put our pictures up now? Cant do mine tho as im away.