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IAPLC 2010 Results are out

I now know what happened to my entry.

I got an email from Laura at The Green Machine. Laura is the UK representative of IAPLC 2010 and is with communication with ADA Japan.
It turns out I was disqualified for breaching rules regarding previously published work. TGM are clearly saddened to, as it would of been good publicity for them also. I think it still is in many ways. TGM have kindly offered to let me do another scape for next year, at which no pictures would be published, or at least close to finishing pictures. Im sure that many other people have got away with previously publishing there work, perhaps un-knowingly, but the TGM website gets a lot of hits and its understanderbable that it will be a place where ADA Japan will have a look at. Amano him self might of thought I was a genius aquascaper :lol: or not!
The image I submitted, that you can see George has posted on another thread ( thanks mate ) is very similar, perhaps for ADA to similar to what I submitted. http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/ar ... -the-earth

So thats my 2010 dealt with. Cant say im not disappointed, I thought I might of had a good chance at getting a good rank this year with me moving away from the nano's.

Congrats to every one ells. I look forward to seeing the final images of all your works. We will need a 2010 ADA entry post making up to get you all noticed day in day out.

Keep up the good work every body. I respect all your entry's, your skills and artistic merits. You are all what make UKaps so great. 😉

Just been looking through the pics. I love 134º Slobodan Lazarevic (Serbia):-

Just flicking through the pics and some scapes I find their ranking interesting. A couple of the pictures are really odd - I don't know enough about photography to explain exactly:-
Maybe someone with more knowledge could tell me why these look slightly odd?

PS So sorry to hear that Graeme!
The processing - or the settings with which they have been taken. I'm not a photography expert, I was hoping someone with the knowledge would be able to see the difference and could explain to me 🙂
over sharpened maybe. they may look better at their fullest resolution. sharpening, or over doing it can look horrid. I personally rely on what comes out of the camera.
Graeme Edwards said:
I now know what happened to my entry.

I got an email from Laura at The Green Machine. Laura is the UK representative of IAPLC 2010 and is with communication with ADA Japan.
It turns out I was disqualified for breaching rules regarding previously published work. TGM are clearly saddened to, as it would of been good publicity for them also. I think it still is in many ways. TGM have kindly offered to let me do another scape for next year, at which no pictures would be published, or at least close to finishing pictures. Im sure that many other people have got away with previously publishing there work, perhaps un-knowingly, but the TGM website gets a lot of hits and its understanderbable that it will be a place where ADA Japan will have a look at. Amano him self might of thought I was a genius aquascaper :lol: or not!
The image I submitted, that you can see George has posted on another thread ( thanks mate ) is very similar, perhaps for ADA to similar to what I submitted. http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/ar ... -the-earth

So thats my 2010 dealt with. Cant say im not disappointed, I thought I might of had a good chance at getting a good rank this year with me moving away from the nano's.

Congrats to every one ells. I look forward to seeing the final images of all your works. We will need a 2010 ADA entry post making up to get you all noticed day in day out.

Keep up the good work every body. I respect all your entry's, your skills and artistic merits. You are all what make UKaps so great. 😉


Well that explains that I suppose and it is very bad luck if thats indeed what happened, because I see the no.106 positioned tank in this years IALPC 2010 was the large tank catagory winner at this years AAC 2010 competition which only released results in the last couple of months. Still, no solace there for you Graeme, always next year, great tank btw, easily one of the largest tanks ever sucessfully aquascaped in the UK, great achievement and a beauty at that.
Lisa_Perry75 said:
Just been looking through the pics. I love 134º Slobodan Lazarevic (Serbia):-

Just flicking through the pics and some scapes I find their ranking interesting. A couple of the pictures are really odd - I don't know enough about photography to explain exactly:-
Maybe someone with more knowledge could tell me why these look slightly odd?

PS So sorry to hear that Graeme!

I thought they were the same scape, I had to do a double take, I said whats going on here! :geek: <- I Think I need glasses!

They just look over sharpened to me as well, way oversharpened.
Piece-of-fish said:
Looking now at some works you can tell that the level and competitiveness got much higher this year:
Anyway here are some works:

http://acuariorosa.com/2010/08/10/the-i ... test-2010/

That 419 is shocking to be rated that high!! lol

Hard luck Graeme, but at least you will get another shot at it next year 😉 I did see your monster tank in the flesh and it was just amazing!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
LondonDragon said:
That 419 is shocking to be rated that high!! lol

i would say this is not 100% sure these photos were sent to the competition. we will be sure from the contest book later, but they are close. currently everyone try to collect the entrants from blogs, forums, image gallerys, but not sure exactly the same photos were sent.

on this one 419 i am also supprised too, but as long as you see that you will feels that natural. the sand slope the stone with the acicularis and a few hc here and there feels like a coast.

so at some point they need healthy planted tank, but you can see many tanks in the contest which is not natural at all. just a mass of plants. no transitions between foreground/mid/background no focal points and the plant selection just not fit right.

i am not saying this tank deserve its placement as i also can find many great ones above 420 too, but i can see some points why they ranked this better than some others.

i read a great article in the past few months from one of the judge Karen Randall and she explained clearly the differences between AGA and ADA contests. She is a judge also on ADA with many other old folks.

she also pointed out many things why tanks get lower score or higher score on contests. very interesting. i try to find it as that fits well to this topic.
Graeme you haven't missed anything this year ...
As George stated I find shooting a tank in 2d (front side) very limiting.
As for me I prefer AGA, it's a much more creative contest and non-limiting than IAPLC.
LondonDragon said:
That 419 is shocking to be rated that high!! lol
Thats an outrage! I've become more despondent about the competition since finding out that only the top 100 are judged properly. That particular tank has a good basis but that's not what the competition is about is it? In recent years i've seen awesome scapes in the 800s and horrific ones above 500. I'm not one for slating an aquascape and that's not what i'm doing, i'm just annoyed at how they "judge" the entries, if at all! I know that they have a lot of entries but if you're not going to do it properly, why do it at all?
crap news graeme, i can imagine loads of other scapes have had their images displayed in the past.

#419 - why did I bother :lol:

Anyway, heres my entry that I put in this year which got #544

90x45x45cm ADA Entry 2010 by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

After thoughts on it were that I shouldn't have blow out the lighting on the top so much and also bought more fish! It was taken with two 150w studio flashes to the left and right plus the ada solar1 above. I also made a cardboard template to go around the tank to cut down on reflections.
Well done to all those that entered,Graeme i think you have been hard done by,

That's a gorgeous image Stu, it has a real feeling of summer about it 😀 .
Well done on your placement mate :thumbup:

Here here, on the idea UK contest John.

john starkey said:
Well done to all those that entered,Graeme i think you have been hard done by,


Thats a great idea. With such large community it would be awesome and very challenging which would benefit all. We could even raise some money for the prizes. I wouldnt mind donating or paying a set fee.