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I need either a) bigger tank b) less plants

Any suggestions for convincing my wife?
You are speaking to a man who has just convinced his wife to give up an alcove with family treasures displayed and replace it with a 55g Oase Scaperline 100.

Reflecting carefully on how I convinced my wife, I remain at a loss for how it was achieved. This probably means I'll be dead in 4 weeks, and she will happily pocket the insurance.

If I am suddenly not here in September, I am sending you all my love and respect now.
You obviously need more plants and a bigger tank! What is the plant with your paw next to it? Guessing it's a terrestrial plant? Looks ace....might need to buy one for my upcoming jungle build!
Is it a space thing, a money thing or an aesthetic thing?

Her main objection seems to be giving over storage space to filtration equipment and CO2 etc. On my list of jobs this autumn is to build a built in shelving unit in the living room so if I can convince her to let me have a space in there, I might get away with it. I’m not daft enough to tell her how expensive this stuff is.

This probably means I'll be dead in 4 weeks, and she will happily pocket the insurance.

I shall lay a Java fern on your grave.

c) more tanks

This is probably less likely to pass the wife-test but I like where your head is at.

I need mooooooooooooooooooooore plants.

The formula for number of plants needed is n+1 where n is the number of plants you have now. 👍🏻
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What is the plant with your paw next to it? Guessing it's a terrestrial plant?
It’s a…
Echinodorus "Ozelot (Red)"
(I think)
@simon_the_plant_nerd may have a spare plant or two available? Assuming that it is the flowering Echinodorus in the first picture? They normally develop plantlets, <"at the nodes of the inflorescence">, as the flower goes over.
I sure do. Send me a PM @FrozenShivers