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Hydroponic culture

I've used hydroponic fertiliser for my fish tank, it's much cheaper than anything for aquascape
GHE flora serie was the best and I used it to grow emmersed aquatic plants too

The difference in aquarium (suitable) fertilizer (if fish are added) and regular fertilizer for emersed growth is mainly the nitrogene source.
If we use dry salts we add for example KNO3, plants can take up NO3 readily from the water as food source.. Regular fertilizers can use NH4+ as nitrogine source from Ureum and Ammonium which is toxic for our lifestock in high concentration. For us this nitrogen source first needs to be biologicaly converted in the substrate or in our case also the filter into the less toxic N# molecule.

Not saying regular fertilizers are absolutely unsuitable for aquarium with lifestock but you are definitively at risk and on the edge of killing things if it accumulates into toxic levels. Depending on your stocking levels a tank produces already it's own share of ammonium, than adding extra is not always a good idea without controling very closely what you are doing and knowing what and how much you are excactly adding.
I do have fish in my tank and they are perfectly healthy

Yes relatively they might be, still, but with adding toxins you are on the edge. Fish can only do what they do and in our observation we do not have very much to determine health or well beeing other than behaivor and color. They can not tell you "Hey boss!? I got a chronical headage, or my eyes are constantly burning or i got an ich in my gills. Same as if you got a running nose you still can have fun, go out and look at your best. But still it's a sign to take notice off that you might need to change something like close the bedroom window at night.

They can suffer rather a long time before they reach that tipping point and show stress.. They are kinda addapted to survive less ideal periodes, maybe even without feeling bad. We cannot know what they feel.. But once fish shows distress especialy the smaller ones 90% of the times it is far to late and beyond any help.Most medical treatments are harsh on the fish and more oftenly only an unpleasant adjournment to a certain death.

So all we can do is to oblige ourself to use our logic consensus and take precautions preventing it from happening.

You seen to know a lot zozo your fish tank must be amazing!! Any pics ?
Dying to see it
Thank you. The majority of what i learned from the behind the scenes issues, is here at UKAPS. From long term expert members as @dw1305, @ceg4048 and many others. And i'm just helping with repetitive sharing and spreading the word. That's what learning and staying sharp is all about, repetition.. 🙂 Amazing tanks? I do not know, i'm not the experienced scaper with several awsome price worthy showcase layouts per year. But i'm very keen on keeping it long term healthy as far as possible seen from every aspect. That's most important to me personaly. If it looks good is a mater of taste. Only have 2 aquarium journals i realy need to update a lot more often. Both are still running strong, got a 3th one without lifestock to experiment with i actualy never show, nothing special going on.

This is borderline blasphemy around here mate... :lol:
@zozo 's Mission Bathtub is one of the threads that make people come back to UKAPS:
2016 - https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/mission-bathtub-2016.41131/
2017 - https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/mission-bathtub-2017.49096/
2018 - https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/mission-bathtub-2018.52227

:lol: Thak you for you kind words.. 😳🙄😛
Oh woow amazing bathtub
Thank you.. 🙂
Hope it’s not lead bath
No it's galvanized steel and the fish are not in it permanently all year round only the summer months from late march till around octobre and also get a weekly 50+% water change. So no worries for toxic zinc accumulation. During the winter the fish are with some plants in large plastic tubs in the cellar.
Before doing this query in this forum I did in the other three.The others never answered me. Imagine my surprise when the topic lasted a week and filled two pages.
In addition you enlightened me and solved the problem!!!
Muchísimas gracias a todos por ayudarme !!!!