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12 Aug 2018
West Yorkshire
In one element of my post I attempted to leven a post with a bit of humour. A joke about Edinburgh and Glasgow. One I had shared with me on more occasions than I can count whilst living in Scotland and then by and between Scottish friends and colleagues. Quite safe and perfectly permissable in polite society. A small detour to end quite a depressing topic. This was moderated out not for lack or originality or for a poor sense of humour but because I needed to stick to aquascaping! I am quite discombobulated. What is the policy are posts just to factual stick to the point posts or is humor weaved into a post allowed?
Looking at the thread, it’s not obvious that it was meant to be humour, was interpreted as being serious and hence moderated. UKAPS is certainly not a humourless place.
"It was interpreted as being serious and hence moderated."

Could you reassure the moderator in question of my deep and abiding love of Scotland and that in no way did I wish to offend either the wonderful people of Glasgow or Edinburgh.

While I can, however, accept that the joke was unoriginal, I have to admit to being slightly upset at it being censored because it was perceived as unfunny. That hurts. Can I appeal?

Do I take it that light mockery of Liverpudlians or Mancs is also out? Just wanted to check 😁
What was the joke then?
I want to know this also... I vaguely remember reading something about Glasgow and Edinburgh the other day - but not 100% sure it was on this site - and it did not strike me as particularly offensive...

Maybe run it by a Scottish person as to whether it is actually offensive, from what i know of Scots one of their pet hates is being told what they can say or think by English people, particularly home counties types.