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Huge shrimp die off :( :(

Just a small update.

Cherry shrimp are still dying off, I am finding around 5-10 a day now, crystals are still going strong and I am yet to find any more dead, babies and adults are doing fine.

I have a new tank ready for the shrimp and I am going to move the cherries over to that, I can only put this down to a water parameter issue, maybe the water is OK for the crystals but lacking something for the cherries.
Maybe the water change triggered a moult and the parameters aren't quite right for the cherries and that's causing an issue - the water change made it really obvious as they did it in bulk?
Maybe the water change triggered a moult and the parameters aren't quite right for the cherries and that's causing an issue - the water change made it really obvious as they did it in bulk?
That’s actually a very sensible suggestion, especially if you’re not adding mineral supplements via food. Cherries can be prone to failed moults if deficient in minerals.
Maybe the water change triggered a moult and the parameters aren't quite right for the cherries and that's causing an issue - the water change made it really obvious as they did it in bulk?
That’s actually a very sensible suggestion, especially if you’re not adding mineral supplements via food. Cherries can be prone to failed moults if deficient in minerals.

That's the only other thing I can think of that would only affect the cherries.

I do add minerals in the form of shrimp ming mineral food and montmorillonite clay
I do add minerals in the form of shrimp ming mineral food and montmorillonite clay


RO water remineralized with MgSo4 and CaSo4 to a GH of 6, O KH

Assuming your calculated remin values are correct, that should be plenty of Ca for moulting - although they do seem to do better in harder water I would have thought it would be unlikely to cause a mass die off.
I would’ve thought it would be the other way round crystals dying not cherries, very strange! Sorry I can’t be of any help.