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How/Where did you hear about Ukaps.org?????

I have used it for research for quite a while now, and as it is not a common thing in Brazil to use forums anymore I thought it was not in use anymore 😅, but I was wrong. I noticed some quite new updates and so, I didn't check the dates of the post before, my bad... Then I decided to give it a shot.
How I find it? Through my aquarium plants troubles and online research
I heard about it the old fashioned way. I was chatting to Sam from Acres Aquatics (Corsley Heath, Wiltshire) and there I will find out all and everything about aquatic plants. He was right 🤓
Acres has a fantastic selection and is very helpful. (Unashamed plug). No, I'm just a satisfied customer. 😎
Best, Brian
Hi all,

Ive just been checking our members list, and we are up to nearly 300 members!!!

First I want to say thanks for every one joining Ukaps. I hope you are getting a lot from the experiance. We have so much more in the pipe line to offer, so stick with us!

It got me thinking.

Im interested in finding out how so many people have heard about Ukaps.org. Could you enlighten me/us as to how you heard about us, and what your initial thoughts are?

Thanks again every one, we really apreciate you being here!

I was searching the internet for advice on aquarium lighting. It's a bonus to find such an informative website based in the UK 🙂