Try measuring alkalinity (KH). That is much easier to measure reliably than pH and there is a
direct relationship between the two. If your pH really is 3, then a small drop of bromothymol blue (one of the typical reagents used to measure KH) added to a small amount of your tank water will instantly turn a very bright yellow. I use this
alkalinity kit from Hanna. Seems pricey but worth every penny (at least for me it is). I really really encourage you to NOT try to raise your pH until you're 100% certain you need to. Your Lincolnshire water, like my Cambridgeshire water, is going to have an alkalinity out of the tap of around 14 dKH (250+ ish ppm). Your 80/20 RO/tap water drops that by a factor of 5 to around 3 dKH (50 ppm). That sets you up for an equilibrium pH of around 7.0 (give or take a little) in a typical indoor room setting. Nothing you describe as in your tank can shift the pH to the degree you're describing and certainly not in the rapid timeframe you're observing.
Get some el-cheapo pH test strips and see what they say. They're not super accurate but the will definitely show whether you pH really is as low as your other method thinks it is.