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How to post images?


18 May 2008
Please can someone explain how to attach images to a post. I assume it has something to do with the "Img" button on the top of the posting box but all that does for me is this "[img]"!
Probably a very simple question, but I'm totally new to this, so I'd be grateful if someone could explain exactly what you have to do!
Thanks for your replies,

Hi will,

Welcome to the forum 😀

To post pictures you first need to upload them to an image hosting site such as photobuckets, flickr or webshots
once uploaded you can copy the URL of the image at the hosting site and paste it into your post, highlight the link and then press the Img button. All the good image hosting sites provide you with the URL for that particular image.

Thanks for the help. This is just a test run to see if it works!
The text is slightly wrong - should be i297 not s297. However, if you go back to the Photobucket image, click on the box beside the word IMG code, the text will be automatically copied for you so you just have to paste it into your post.

Sorry, I should have said that photobucket is great in that it also puts the [img ] [ /img] tags in there for you, so you don't then need to wrap the text again with the tags. Other than that, you've got it!

PS When posting an image, I always preview it before posting to ensure that the code is right.
Thanks for your help guys, think I've finally got the hang of it!
PS will use preview feature in the future!