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How to mix FeEDDHA


16 Oct 2021
I have finally got hold of some FeEDDHA dry powder, that is 7% iron by weight. I would like to make this into a solution, for my 60 litre tank. Ideally I would dose it 3 x per week and want to start of low perhaps aiming for a total of 0.01ppm and up to 0.05ppm max (from what I have read above this the water starts to go pink). I will be dosing this alongside other iron such as DPTA.

I have saved a variety of bottle sizes to try this in such as 1 litre, 500ml, 300ml etc (the usual sizes you get fertilisers).

I have never made up a mix before, so if someone could help that would be great. P.S. Maths is not my strong point, so please bear with me.



You could have a look at the IFC calculator. It will do all the math for you. Look in my signature or in the "Calculator" menu on top of the forum.
I just did one simulation for you for your 60L tank, with a 1L bottle, dosed 3x time a week, 10ml dosing, with a target of 0.01ppm/week of FeEDDHA.

Have fun with it. Any question, let us know.
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Hi all,
(from what I have read above this the water starts to go pink)
You can make use of that fact, in an entirely non-scientific manner, by just adding enough to have a <"very pale pink tinge"> and then just topping that up when the water is clear again. I'll be honest that would be my prefered option every time, unless it was a rigorous scientifically designed experiment.
You could have a look at the IFC calculator. It will do all the math for you.
My suggestion as well, but the maths are actually reasonably simple*.

You just need to know:
  • The ppm (Mg / L) you are aiming for
  • The volume of the tank,
  • the percentage of the nutrient in your compound and
  • the dilution factor (if you aren't dry dosing the salt).
So I'm going to go for 0.01 ppm, 60 litres, 7% and 1000 mL. I wouldn't attempt to dry dose, just because it is such a small weight.

So we then need 0.01 x 60 = 0.6 and 0.6 / 0.07 (7%) = 8.57 and that is mg / L which is a <"very small number"> ~ 0.00857 g and <"I don't like small weights or volumes">

If we multiply that by 1000 it gives us 8.57g of FeEDDHA in 1 litre stock solution, used at 1 ml per dosing, three times per week.

* somebody could check this?

cheers Darrel
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My suggestion as well, but the maths are actually reasonably simple*.

You just need to know:
  • The ppm (Mg / L) you are aiming for
  • The volume of the tank,
  • the percentage of the nutrient in your compound and
  • the dilution factor (if you aren't dry dosing the salt).
So I'm going to go for 0.01 ppm, 60 litres, 7% and 1000 mL. I wouldn't attempt to dry dose, just because it is such a small weight.

So we then need 0.01 x 60 = 0.6 and 0.6 / 0.07 (7%) = 8.57 and that is mg / L which is a <"very small number"> ~ 0.00857 g and <"I don't like small weights or volumes">

If we multiply that by 1000 it gives us 8.57g of FeEDDHA in 1 litre stock solution, used at 1 ml per dosing three times per week.

* somebody could check this?
All correct 🙂
I was literally going to ask this same question today. Having got into mixing my own Solufeed ferts I'm now on the slippery slope.
Thanks @keef321 for asking the question and to @Hanuman , @dw1305 , and @_Maq_ for replies.
I was planning on using this Chempak sequestered iron but it's not clear what percentage iron is in this compound.
@dw1305 'Pink tinge' approach sounds interesting - is there a 'Pink tinge index'? Or does one go by how variegated the anubias is...
Hi all,
I was planning on using this Chempak sequestered iron but it's not clear what percentage iron is in this compound.
It is 2% iron (Fe) (via <"Could it be the substrate? Tank in terminal decline...">.
Pink tinge' approach sounds interesting - is there a 'Pink tinge index'?
Not at the moment, but it <"might be a business opportunity">? I'd say if you can see any pink tint, you're good.

Red Green <"Colour-blindness"> might be a bit of an issue? So <"possibly a colour chart"> and <"similar in shades of grey">
Or does one go by how variegated the anubias is...
Well I do, or more <"normally the Frogbit">, just because it isn't CO2 limited and grows a bit quicker.

cheers Darrel
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Thanks for the help 😀 Now to find some distilled water,. Where’s the best place, or shall I get RODI from LFS?
Thanks for the help 😀 Now to find some distilled water,. Where’s the best place, or shall I get RODI from LFS?
I would only recommend using Distilled water and you can pick it up from any grocery store.
Hi all,
Whats the 'pink tinge' mantra then? Is this where theres enough of a dose that anything falling out of solution doesnt matter?
It started as a <"bit of a joke">, but I'm guessing that the degree of "pink tinge" is pretty closely related to the amount of FeEDDHA and that as the chelate is degraded the pink colour fades in direct proportion to the amount of plant available iron (Fe).

cheers Darrel
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If we multiply that by 1000 it gives us 8.57g of FeEDDHA in 1 litre stock solution, used at 1 ml per dosing, three times per week.

cheers Darrel
Just to clarify on this one guys, would this not be 1ml/week, rather than you have stated thee times per week (i.e. 1ml/week =0.01 & 3ml/week=0.03). I have tried the IFC calculator now 🙂 but I can only replicate the 8.57g calulation make setting dosing to 1ml/week. My apologies if I am doing something wrong. I was just checking first before I make up the 8.57g mix. I like the idea of making the 8.57g mix as my understanding is you get around 6g in a teaspoon, and I have a set of measuring spoons down to 1/8 tsp, so I might be able to mix this small amount
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Just to clarify on this one guys, would this not be 1ml/week, rather than you have stated thee times per week (i.e. 1ml/week =0.01 & 3ml/week=0.03). I have tried the IFC calculator now 🙂 but I can only replicate the 8.57g calulation make setting dosing to 1ml/week. My apologies if I am doing something wrong. I was just checking first before I make up the 8.57g mix. I like the idea of making the 8.57g mix as my understanding is you get around 6g in a teaspoon, and I have a set of measuring spoons down to 1/8 tsp, so I might be able to mix this small amount
Just to clarify on this one guys, would this not be 1ml/week, rather than you have stated thee times per week (i.e. 1ml/week =0.01 & 3ml/week=0.03). I have tried the IFC calculator now 🙂 but I can only replicate the 8.57g calulation make setting dosing to 1ml/week. My apologies if I am doing something wrong. I was just checking first before I make up the 8.57g mix. I like the idea of making the 8.57g mix as my understanding is you get around 6g in a teaspoon, and I have a set of measuring spoons down to 1/8 tsp, so I might be able to mix this small amount
I think I may have made that not very clear.

To clarify if I mix 8.57g, and dose 1ml x 3 times a week that would equal 0.03ppm. That’s my understanding. Thanks
Hi all,
I have tried the IFC calculator now 🙂 but I can only replicate the 8.57g calulation make setting dosing to 1ml/week.
I'm more likely to be <"wrong">. I'll be quite honest with you, even if it should be one mL per week, rather than three mL, it wouldn't make any practical difference to me, I'm pretty ad hoc. with <"this sort of thing"> and really all I'm interested in is <"some, rather than none">.
* somebody could check this?

It all depends on the percentage of iron (Fe) in the FeEDDHA. I've only got a phone until later today, but @Hanuman or @Zeus. should be able to tell you what percentage FeEDDHA is in the IFC calculator.

Usually it is pretty straight forward, and the only factor that makes any difference to the calculation is the <"water of crystallization">, but it is <"more complex with large organic molecules like these chelates">.

cheers Darrel
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I'm more likely to be <"wrong">.
* somebody could check this?
No you weren't. Your calculations were right.
To clarify if I mix 8.57g, and dose 1ml x 3 times a week that would equal 0.03ppm. That’s my understanding. Thanks
Correct. You would need to divide 8.57 by 3 if you want to dose 3x a week and have 0.01ppm as a weekly target. In my first post I used 10ml as the dose so it's 0.286gr but if you want to dose 1ml the it's 2.86gr:
It all depends on the percentage of iron (Fe) in the FeEDDHA. I've only got a phone until later today, but @Hanuman or @Zeus. should be able to tell you what percentage FeEDDHA is in the IFC calculator.
If we multiply that by 1000 it gives us 8.57g of FeEDDHA in 1 litre stock solution, used at 1 ml per dosing, three times per week.
This would equate to dosing 0.03ppm per week which is in inline to what the OP requested:
total of 0.01ppm and up to 0.05ppm max
so you are all correct 🙂
And just to answer that question about the % of Fe in FeEDDHA in the IFC calculator, it's 7%.
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Hi all,

I'm more likely to be <"wrong">. I'll be quite honest with you, even if it should be one mL per week, rather than three mL, it wouldn't make any practical difference to me, I'm pretty ad hoc. with <"this sort of thing"> and really all I'm interested in is <"some, rather than none">.

It all depends Thanks All,

Yes, I must remember this is just an 'estimative index'. With that in mind I have used the calulator and with a single teaspoon, approx 6g into my mix should give me when dosed at 1ml x 3 week around about 0.02ppm. So I think for the ease of making the mix up, as it uses a single teaspoon, I will try and give this a go (otherwise I would require expensive lab scales, lol).

Thanks Keith
No you weren't. Your calculations were right.

Correct. You would need to divide 8.57 by 3 if you want to dose 3x a week and have 0.01ppm as a weekly target. In my first post I used 10ml as the dose so it's 0.286gr but if you want to dose 1ml the it's 2.86gr:
View attachment 202042

This would equate to dosing 0.03ppm per week which in inline to what the OP requested:

so you are all correct 🙂
And just to answer that question about the % of Fe in FeEDDHA in the IFC calculator, it's 7%.
Thank you all for your help. Both the IFC calculator and the Maths equations have been very helpful.

I have made a mix up, it’s very purple, certainly would not want to get that on the carpet 😂

I forgot to order the preservatives, so will see how long it lasts before going off / mouldy.

Ive carried out a large water change, and done my first dose, all looks good 👍
Hi all,
Yes, I must remember this is just an 'estimative index'. With that in mind I have used the calulator and with a single teaspoon, approx 6g into my mix should give me when dosed at 1ml x 3 week around about 0.02ppm. So I think for the ease of making the mix up, as it uses a single teaspoon,
Yes, the idea with the "Estimative Index" was that you could use spoons as your measuring device and that it did a way with the need for water testing. The <"Duckweed Index" had the same rationale"> , you don't need to accurately measure weights or volumes and the plants act as your "test kit"
I have made a mix up, it’s very purple, certainly would not want to get that on the carpet
That is why I would use <"the pink tint method">, but I have <"no sense of aesthetics">, and always follow, both the <"cheapest option"> and the <"route of least resistance">.

cheers Darrel
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