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How do you fertilise initially? (Poll)

How do you fertilise initially? (Fresh aquasoil)

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Oops, I cast my vote before I saw it specifically states aquasoil tanks :sorry:
Cant seem to undo my vote, but I will say that if I do set up one in the future I will be dosing complete ferts from day 1.
My reasoning is that the plants wont have roots established yet, and thus will need to live only off their reserves unless also supplemented in the water column.
I can understand the opposing viewpoint of not wanting too much nutrients in the water in an immature system, but I still feel like getting the plants off to a good start should be the priority rather than trying to hinder the algae. After all, many of us live by the "Focus on the plants, the rest will follow" method.
fresh aquasoil

What @Hufsa said... @Courtneybst, I'd say edit the post to make it clear you mean "active substrate" that packs a bunch of nutrients as opposed to inert gravel or sand.

In any event, regardless of choice, I would personally use a complete fertilizer from day one as well as I wouldn't expect (or rely on) the aqua soil to provide complete coverage of all micro and macro nutrients (possibly with the exception of N for a while).

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What @Hufsa said... @Courtneybst, I'd say edit the post to make it clear you mean "active substrate" that packs a bunch of nutrients as opposed to inert gravel or sand.

In any event, regardless of choice, I would personally use a complete fertilizer from day one as well as I wouldn't expect (or rely on) the aqua soil to provide complete coverage of all micro and macro nutrients (possibly with the exception of N for a while).

Unfortunately I can't edit the poll but I've put the same question on Instagram and the results are definitely interesting.

I'll post them up once more votes have been casted.
After all, many of us live by the "Focus on the plants, the rest will follow" method.
I've read that many professionals (the likes of Amano) will also use activated carbon when first starting a tank. I guess it stands to reason that reducing organics will make it harder for algae to initially establish. Even though it will adsorb some of the fertiliser, it would probably be a good combination to use high ferts with activated carbon, until the plants are strong and stable.
I've read that many professionals (the likes of Amano) will also use activated carbon when first starting a tank. I guess it stands to reason that reducing organics will make it harder for algae to initially establish. Even though it will adsorb some of the fertiliser, it would probably be a good combination to use high ferts with activated carbon, until the plants are strong and stable.
Well ADA always shows a new set up in stages ,so one day after,three weeks etc Never seen one? were big outbreaks of algae diatoms takes over.We know a lot of ADA staff it's the day job so everything is considered, so maybe a nutrient rich substrate and lean column dosing works well, l have noticed some of the larger tanks also have two CO2diffusers Then again Amano has written articles on algae so they cannot always be picture perfect can they?

I allways start my setups by adding only profito and kalium (traces and potassium), with CO2 injection. This during more or less 3 months. Then, according to the health of the plants, I start adding tropica specialized (with macro).
I never experienced algae outbreak with this procedure 🙂
So the results are in from Instagram.

It's very interesting, I don't think I expected it to be so polarising but in hindsight I'm not surprised. There are people who voted that make beautiful planted tanks with every option, so there is by no means one way of doing things. Obviously there are variables like the substrate used, the water used, the fish load, the plants even and what is considered 'good plant growth' by the user.

Very interesting though, so thank you to all who participated!

It's very interesting, I don't think I expected it to be so polarising but in hindsight I'm not surprised.
It came out the way I thought it would 😁
This forum leans pretty heavily towards EI, and also hosts a bunch of people who are into making their own fertilizer as well.
The Instagram community from what I have observed so far is very interested in the scaping, artistic and visual side of tanks, so for them to use a more "plug and play" system like enriched aquasoil and some kind of premade fertilizer makes sense to me. Less time thinking about fertilizer, more time making scapes and sharing pictures. Not dosing or minimally dosing at the start seems to be much more common in some of these communities, and minimizing the chance of unsightly startup algae might be preferred over (maybe optimal) plant growth from the onset. People dont seem to like to share algae coated scape pictures (for some reason) :lol:
I think it used to. I guess that was before we learned about micro and potassium toxicity. 🙄
Careful, if you do that too hard your eyes might get stuck up there 😁😘

I quite like how we have people with very varying viewpoints, I think it is not a detriment but rather an enrichment to our forum 😃
Its not exactly oppressive to hear a few opposing views now and then 😊

I dont have any hard statistics to point to, but I still have the impression most of us use something like EI or "adapted EI" (if I can call it that) which is just based around the idea of having enough surplus.

Good to see you back trotting around the paddock @Hufsa 👍
I quite like how we have people with very varying viewpoints, I think it is not a detriment but rather an enrichment to our forum 😃
Couldn't agree more mate, there are more ways to kill a dog than hanging.

.... Will now go and unstick my eyes. Lol.