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Holiday lighting and ferts


13 Jun 2022
Canterbury Kent
Hi all,

So im due to go on holiday soon for 11 nights and have been trying to research the best things to do to keep my tank stable and healthy whilst away without coming back to algae etc.
I currently dose TNC complete 3 times a week manually but obviously wont be able to do this whilst on hols (my previous tank I had an auto doser for ferts so didn't need to worry about it)
I came across something on the Green Aqua youtube the other day which said to turn lights off and don't worry about dosing whist away and this will stop algae and the plants will be fine.
My tank is low tech and only have easy plants.
Has anyone else used this approach and how did it pan out?
Food wise I have an auto feeder which I am going to set up to feed every 48 hours so not to worried about this side of things.

Many thanks
I think you will be fine for 11 nights ,l wouldn't change much at all, you probably end up with a bit of sorting out on your return, l often forget to dose TNC for a couple of weeks and plants are fine. Just dose a day or two before you go
Hi all,
I only run them at 60% so would you say drop them down to about 30% maybe
I wouldn't, just because that runs the risk of falling below Light Compensation Point (LCP) - <"Light Compensation Point and optimal PAR levels">.
I think you will be fine for 11 nights ,l wouldn't change much at all, you probably end up with a bit of sorting out on your return
Same for me, basically "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I'm pretty sure any cure is likely to be worse than doing nothing.

cheers Darrel
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Hi all,

I wouldn't, just because that runs the risk of falling below Light Compensation Point (LCP) - <"Light Compensation Point and optimal PAR levels">.

Same for me, basically "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

cheers Darrel
Thanks Darrel,
Also could I add a little bit more ferts than I usually would before I go say double dose and would that have any negative effects??
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