Couple of quick qs if you don't mind
I have a bit of a holey plant 🙁 ;
Can anyone tell me what's likely to have caused that? I've got pest snails in the tank, which I wasn't worrying overly about since it would be useful for picking out and feeding to the puffers, but I wasn't sure if they could be causing this?
If not, is there any reason not to let the snails breed a bit in there? As long as I don't end up overrun! It would be handy, since I wouldn't then need a seperate tank for breeding snails for the puffers to eat.
I have a bit of a holey plant 🙁 ;
Can anyone tell me what's likely to have caused that? I've got pest snails in the tank, which I wasn't worrying overly about since it would be useful for picking out and feeding to the puffers, but I wasn't sure if they could be causing this?
If not, is there any reason not to let the snails breed a bit in there? As long as I don't end up overrun! It would be handy, since I wouldn't then need a seperate tank for breeding snails for the puffers to eat.