Hi, this is my first time at aquascaping.
I used to keep large fish, Channa, Arowana, Gar and the like.
Then I scaled down to just Channa. After my channa died due to a collision in the tank, (long story).
I didn't have the heart to keep fish again for a long while.
Fast forward 5 years I now have some small things with two legs a 16 month old and a 4.5 year old both girls.
So I decided to make a calm tank for them to look at as they seem to love anything watery.
I now have a 2 month (I think) aquascape growing in the living room. It's been interesting, hard work too dealing with algae at the 2 week stage. But I think it's settling down now.
One thing I would like to ask is, I have a strange plant (i guess) growing on my java fern. It's the small cluster of bright green near the top of the clump. Can anyone identify it from the image?
Kind Regards
I used to keep large fish, Channa, Arowana, Gar and the like.
Then I scaled down to just Channa. After my channa died due to a collision in the tank, (long story).
I didn't have the heart to keep fish again for a long while.
Fast forward 5 years I now have some small things with two legs a 16 month old and a 4.5 year old both girls.
So I decided to make a calm tank for them to look at as they seem to love anything watery.
I now have a 2 month (I think) aquascape growing in the living room. It's been interesting, hard work too dealing with algae at the 2 week stage. But I think it's settling down now.
One thing I would like to ask is, I have a strange plant (i guess) growing on my java fern. It's the small cluster of bright green near the top of the clump. Can anyone identify it from the image?
Kind Regards