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Hi from Hampshire (with pictures) - is UKAPS the answer?

6 Feb 2024
Hey everyone. You know when you have visitors over and they make absolutely no mention of your tank even though they are sitting right next to it? Or when you wish you could have a bit more back and forth with someone who has made something inspirational on YouTube? I'm hoping ukaps is the answer 😄
Briefly, I've currently got the one 60 open top, my first higher tech scape, after wrapping up the Fluval Edge and 30cube low tech. The Edge is becoming a low tech Betta tank for a friend, which I can share soon and I have a shallow 60 on the horizon. MTS is a thing, but making for friends is a great way to satiate!


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Hi all,
I have a few begonia Rex I propogated from leaf cuttings and not sure what to do with them.
I'll have one, if I can swap it for something? They are a funny plant, easy to propagate, but more difficult to keep long term. You need to watch out for Vine weevils and Mealy Bug.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

I'll have one, if I can swap it for something? They are a funny plant, easy to propagate, but more difficult to keep long term. You need to watch out for Vine weevils and Mealy Bug.

cheers Darrel
There’s five plants in there. Two varieties (I think - maybe three?) Not sure the best way to post them but if you PM what you want we can organise a swap.

Anyone else who would like one let me know.
roots emersed
Yup. So far so good and not suffered from crispyness. Loving the colour from the strong light. They were actually rescued from a houseplant that was suffering having been moved away from the light and I discovered they work happily in water only. Then I spotted the REScapes tee with begonia and realized I had the perfect home for the surviving cutting.
Vine weevils and Mealy Bug
That sounds no fun. Do they just show up? Where from? I'd be worried to try anything other than wiping them off or removing the plant altogether, what's the best approach?
Welcome🙂 UKAPS ,input is welcomed ,opinions can differ sometimes but we are a very friendly forum and help and advice is always available, think we have been there when family and visitors don't appear to ackn. your aquariums give them time 😄
Hi all,
Two varieties (I think - maybe three?) Not sure the best way to post them but if you PM what you want we can organise a swap.
The other "silver leaved" plants are at home, but this is what the dark leaved Begonia cuttings that @simon_the_plant_nerd sent to me looks like today.


and this was April 2024

cheers Darrel
Hi Richard, I sympathise! The usual comments I get on my tank go "... God it's big ... why is it so big? ... Are those guppies? ... Why haven't you got guppies? ... Will you get guppies? .... Why are there so many plants? Why are there only small fish?... Did you choose boring brown ones on purpose? .... Do they have names? ... You should get big fish... Have you thought about Siamese fighters? You could fit a few in... " 🤦
Sending you a belated welcome, hope you're enjoying yourself 🙂
Hi Richard, I sympathise! The usual comments I get on my tank go "... God it's big ... why is it so big? ... Are those guppies? ... Why haven't you got guppies? ... Will you get guppies? .... Why are there so many plants? Why are there only small fish?... Did you choose boring brown ones on purpose? .... Do they have names? ... You should get big fish... Have you thought about Siamese fighters? You could fit a few in... " 🤦
Sending you a belated welcome, hope you're enjoying yourself 🙂

That's brilliant Meg! We should have a whole thread with "Non-Aquarium owners reactions to our tanks!"

God it's big

I've definitely had that one about my tank when folks walk in the kitchen, along with asking my wife "did you agree to that?"!!

My favourite though is the wonder on little kids faces when they see the tank (I think their eyeline perspective helps) - and the continuous verbal diarrhea stream of questions that follow. I also heard one of my teenage sons friends say to him "man those fish are 'sick'" - which despite me running for the bottles of eSha, is apparently, actually a very complementary comment!
Having "sick" fish is a very high honour 😌
Hey everyone. You know when you have visitors over and they make absolutely no mention of your tank even though they are sitting right next to it? Or when you wish you could have a bit more back and forth with someone who has made something inspirational on YouTube? I'm hoping ukaps is the answer 😄
Briefly, I've currently got the one 60 open top, my first higher tech scape, after wrapping up the Fluval Edge and 30cube low tech. The Edge is becoming a low tech Betta tank for a friend, which I can share soon and I have a shallow 60 on the horizon. MTS is a thing, but making for friends is a great way to satiate!
Love the curve and texture on that wood !