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Hi from Bedfordshire


6 Aug 2024
United Kingdom
I Havel a Juwel lido 120,I have been keeping fresh water tropical for approximately 40 years on and off with various levels of success, you are never too old to learn.
I found this site by just googling for a forum, I have never been very good at keeping real plants but I am giving it another go so all advice is gladly appreciated.
I only have 3 real plants, an Anubis attached to lava rock,a Echinodorus and one whose name as escaped me but my lfs suggested it.
I have gravel substrate,
Any plant suggestions are appreciated especially easy to keep.
I use pro Flora grow Pro and Carbo.
Anyway I am looking forward to having a successful planted tank
and one whose name as escaped me but my lfs suggested it.
Do you have a photo of it by any chance, I'm sure someone will be able to identify it,
I have never been very good at keeping real plants but I am giving it another go so all advice is gladly appreciated.
in fact a couple of photos of your tank will give others a better feel for it and be able to offer more appropriate advice.
Hi all,
Welcome to UKAPS.

Hopefully we can help make you a more successful plant keeper. I'm also <"long time aquarium keeper">, but I'm still <"not very good with fish">, but I can honestly say that the single thing that makes aquarium management easier is "plenty of growing plants".

I can see you are in Bedford, so do you use tap water? <"Cannot Grow Plants">. It isn't a deal breaker if you do? But it does make things slightly more complicated.
Any plant suggestions are appreciated especially easy to keep.
You could try floating and/or epiphytic (like your Anubias) plants.

Have a look at <"What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?">, <"Using stem plants as a filtering aid at Start Up!"> & <"High phosphate">.
The rationale for the <"Duckweed Index"> was to <"de-skill fish keeping"> by concentrating on the <"important bits">, the <"coffee not the froth">.
I have gravel substrate,
<"It isn't ideal">, most people will use sand or aquasoil, but it isn't impossible to grow plants in. I'll add in @Bradders they should be able to give you some practical advice. Because you are in Bedford you aren't a million miles away from <"Aquarium Gardens">, one of our sponsors, and they can advise you.
I use pro Flora grow Pro and Carbo.
You can carry on using the "Colombo Flora Grow Pro", it is a <"real fertiliser">, but quite an expensive option. There are cheaper options for when it runs out.
I'd just use @Happi 's <"Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC or Solufeed Coir TEC Combination"> mix. This is what I do, but with the <"Duckweed Index">, rather than adding a set amount weekly.

The difference between <"aquarium"> and commercial horticultural fertilisers is that horticultural fertilisers have to work.

In horticulture no one can get away with selling the <"World's most expensive water"> etc. If fertilisers didn't work, or weren't cost effective? No-one would buy them and the company making them would have gone out business. It is as simple as that.
We don't really know how "Easy Carbo" works, but it <"definitely isn't required">.

cheers Darrel
I was thinking of getting some small ceramic pots @6cm (something I saw on utube) and some soil, any suggestions
Looking at your photo and the fact you are seeking advice on how to improve your plant growing skills I was going to suggest replacing the plastic plants with real ones from the Tropica easy range but having read your other posts it appears you are already on this track. As Darrel says above the EasyCarbo is not really needed to be dosed in your tank on a regular basis but rather than waste it you could try spot dosing the recommended daily amount for a couple of days around that Anubias and some of the decor or better still make a weak solution (being careful not to splash it about) and remove the aforementioned items and dip them once for 10 minutes or so, rinse and return. Killing BBA (red algae) is the only major benefit of using this product from my experience although no doubt one or two others will disagree.
If you plan on staying around for a while consider starting a journal where all your questions, answers and photos etc are all in one place and it also makes it easier for people (and yourself) to see the back story and offer more appropriate advice to your situation.
If you plan on staying around for a while consider starting a journal where all your questions, answers and photos etc are all in one place and it also makes it easier for people (and yourself) to see the back story and offer more appropriate advice to your situation.
Indeed, the introduction threads can run out of control and become very disjointed when seeking various pieces of advice!
Best to start a journal or ask questions in the designated forums.