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Help reading this picture


10 May 2022
I have some new to me, previously well cared-for, limnobium laevigatum in the tank. Been a few weeks.
Overall some are growing like crazy, but I'm now seeing netting on some. @dw1305 's 'What is the Duckweed Index all about?' suggests Iron deficiency. Keen to nip this in the bud.
I'm currently dosing 1ppm FE, once a week, in addition to the 0.5ppm in my micros mix. Should I be splitting that 1ppm over two doses, or adding more? Not sure where the toxicity level is with Fe.
Also wondering if there's a bit of chlorosis on my newest anubias leaf - although still a massive improvement on some of the variegated leaves it used to put out.
Separately seeing some browning on my epipremnum, the oldest leaves. Still going great guns at the business end. Is this a nitrogen issue? I'm dosing 7.5ppm NO3 weekly using Solufeed 2:1:4.
Grateful for any steers!


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1.5 ppm of Fe in a low tech tank per week? ... how is that Fe chelated? what's your pH?

I am dosing something like 0.07 ppm Fe every two weeks or so (low tech, low dKH/pH).... and my frogbit are growing like crazy and look healthy. Occasionally I have a frogbit here and there with a yellowing leaf or just looking subpar - as long as it's a rarity I don't bother.

Hi Michael
pH around 7, smidge below.
KH 3
GH 7
Chelate - DTPA

You don't think it's the wet root plants hoovering up the Fe?


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Hi Michael
pH around 7, smidge below.
KH 3
GH 7
Chelate - DTPA

DTPA should be fine then.

You don't think it's the wet root plants hoovering up the Fe?
I don't know anything about Epipremnum and how well it can cope with having its roots submerged all the time (root rot?). But if that would be the case (that it is mopping up all the iron) you would probably see Fe deficiency among your fully submerged plants as well.

What's your macro dosing regime ?

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I am dosing 7.5 ppm NO3 weekly with Solufeed 2:1:4.

The Epipremnum is happy with wet roots - it's putting on new leaves weekly as well as sending out new roots, and has been in the tank for quite a few months. Spider plant is doing nicely as well (flowering imminently by the looks of it).

The submerged limnophila sessiliflora seems nice and green. Siamensis 53b and hydrocotyle leucocephala seem OK.

(Having measured my GH and KH just now they're higher than I thought they would be given since January I've been adding only 1L of tap to 25L of RO. Maybe I'll leave off the tap completely for a bit, then measure again to see if I'm closer to what I'm targeting.)
since January I've been adding only 1L of tap to 25L of RO. Maybe I'll leave off the tap completely for a bit, then measure again to see if I'm closer to what I'm targeting.)

Try and measure the outcome of mixing the 1 L to the 25 L of RO. its only 4% tap - and assuming your RO system is up to par, even if your tap hardness is through the roof there is no way the resulting WC water would be 7 dGH (below 1 dGH is more likely) unless your adding additional calcium and magnesium. But since I don't know when you started the 1:25 (January was technically only 7-8 days ago... :) ) and what your 70L tank dGH measured before and how often you do the (26L/70L or 37%) WC its hard to say what the dGH should be by now.

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Out of the tap it's around 18 GH, KH around half that. Started the 1:25 early Jan (from memory). I do remineralise the 25L RO with MgSO4. 7H2O and CaSO4. 2H2O to something designed to give about 4GH and 1KH. EC of that water after remin is around 140 μS, close to zero before remin. But yes, agree its hard to know what it should be in the tank at this point.

Aanyway, not sure if that hardness is a possible reason for the patchy frogbit netting, or if some other factor(s).

Maybe I'll do a few RO-only changes over the next week and keep watching.
Hi all,
The Epipremnum is happy with wet roots - it's putting on new leaves weekly as well as sending out new roots, and has been in the tank for quite a few months.
They are fine long term as an emergent, they will also persist on very lean rations. <" This is 2021">, you can just see the Epipremnum plant stem behind the light (it runs along the window sill behind the tank) and this is the <"same plant in 2024">.


cheers Darrel
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