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Hair algae

Yep and has they get older will also reduce eating the algae.

Mine was called Bingo (the kids name some of the fish 🙂 ) he cured a terible algae problem, but after reading a few more posts I think it might have been Black Bush Algae (I have heard they eat hair algae too though). He used to chase my Corys but I don't think he actually ever hurt anyone. He died last winter when we were getting some work done on the house and were stopping with relatives and a stupid electrian left the electric off for about 24 hours. The temp went down to 8c - he was the only fish to die - I have got loads of shrimps now and the seem to keep more algae under control.
Hi after set up my tank about 2 months ago is 370l I have from about 5-6 weeks algae problem hair algae and dust on glass I do not have idea how to fight with this
MgSO4 16g
KNO3 6.5g
KH2PO4 3g
Seachem Flourisch about 4ml a day
Easy Carbo 15ml a day
Pressured CO2
light 3.6wpg
light now for 6 hours was for 7.5
siamese flying fox 11 of them and 7 amano shrimps

any ideas what I do wrong ??
alzak said:
Hi after set up my tank about 2 months ago is 370l I have from about 5-6 weeks algae problem hair algae and dust on glass I do not have idea how to fight with this

any ideas what I do wrong ??
Yes, you have too much light. Reduce your lighting by at least 50%. As plantbain mentioned several posts ago, hair algae is a direct result of poor CO2/flow (often in combination with overzealous lighting.)

High light means you must supply high CO2. It is entirely possibly that your lighting is so high and that your flow rate so low that it requires toxic levels of CO2 injection to eliminate the hair algae. To give yourself more margin, reduce the lighting by disabling some bulbs. You can also add more Easycarbo. A 370L tank should ideally have 3700Litres per hour of flow rating.

Once you reduce your lighting you will find that all algae problems will immediately be reduced. You can then play with the CO2 injection rate, review your flow/distribution and experiment with Easycarbo dosages. After a while when you become more experienced you can then start thinking about resuming the previous lighting levels.

the problem with light is I can not reduce any light as I have HQI with 2x150 w second option is a flow rate at the moment for 370l I use tetratec ex1200 with flow rate 1200l second filter is xp3 with flow rate 1350l and like diffuser I use koralia nano which is placed on top of glass diffuser to help with better co2 diffusing
I think the problem is with my flow rate that's why I want to replace my xp3 filter with fx5 or eheim 2078 but can't decide which one is better for me