Mosses darn large group so much and so diverse and sometimes so much a like again it's hard to determine what you got if you're not an moss expert. It's rather a large list to study and get to know all. Sometimes i see mosses growing somewhere and i just don't know where to start looking for a determination of what kind of moss t realy is. The list is to darn large..
After doing some basic readings on moss i found out that by origine it actualy all started as an aquatic form of which some branches addapted to terrestrial growth in more dry environments. And looking at the rather large database seems that the majority likes wett and somewhat cool inveronments. So i came to think that this should in principle this shoud mean that every kind of moss could be forced back to aquatic live, that depending on where you find it you maybe need to make it addapt over time in a slow transition back and not just throw it in a bucket of water and see wath happens.
No a live on a hill near a creek vally, a small creek delta where a few creeks come together in between those creeks is a wetland forest. Very old end dense, with many old dead trees packed with mosses and ferns. I see mosses growing near the creek base and in heavy rainy periodes those creeks expand exeptionaly. Now i'm gattering mosses from that forest to see what i can do with them. I'm already doing that for some time also before i started aquarium again. And never had a chance to make them survive it always was just not wet enough to make them survive in my planted setups.
The only one i could determine till now is the most common Mnium Hornum (We call it common star moss, its all over everywhere around the world) But even that family seems to be quite large and also has aquatic branches. I'm not sure if there are living different species of Mnium in that forest all though i've gattered some different grow forms of it by now. So i do not know which Mnium species i gathered till now. Some stay short others grow longer and more slender, now idea if this is a grow form of the same kind in different condition or just a different kind of mnium. The others i just not sure what they are nearly impossible for me at the time to say wath it is.
I did put some different forms i found in my aquascape, not yet submersed but only moist, a portion above the waterline and a portion with only wet feed. Just to make them slowly addapt to a more constant wetter condition than they actualy came from. Some of them didn't like it and others are astablishing quite well. So i decided to strat me an experiment with getting mosses found in the forrest back to aquatic life.. Something in my gut tells me, if you do it slow and controled it can be done. Something in me tells me aquatic mosses also spread and can be found terrestrial near water. We will see.
This is a portion of a patch i found in that forest of different spieces growing together in one patch. I do not know if it is 2 spieces of Mnium in there or the same with other grow form. I'm trying to work on that, but seeing the imense data base to plough trough i need soem time.
There is much more to be found in that forest, but i have to go on my knies for that.. I'll keep gathering.
Do not know when i will be ready for it. But i'm planning to make me a small 5 to 10 gallon low tech moss tank (Paludarium) for my experiment.. I'll come back on that when it's ready.
For now this is my little moss propegation centre
This don't know yet what it is but i'm going to see if i can get it attached epilithic and if i'm slowly going submersed with it.
This is Mini Pelia en fissidens F. lets see how far we get with it emersed. (Also got them on the wood above, can't see them, but still there still alive but not realy growing, takes time i guess)
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