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Grow tank?

You can try to flood the thing and reduce the water level again.

Thanks Michael.

I think I'll leave it flooded over the weekend. I've read that excel has been used to clear up the mold on HC grown emersed.

I might then grow emersed with the lid open a crack

How does that sound to you?
Are you suggesting excel while flooded or using it on the plant while its emersed? I would avoid the latter as it will in my opinion cause melt, otherwise it should be fine but then I never experienced this before.

You can place the lid lightly on top of the container, shouldn't be a problem.
It was suggested as a sort of foliage spray in a watered down mix for emersed growing.

I'll start by lifting the lid at one end with a pen or similar

How long do you think I should leave the plants submerged?
It was suggested as a sort of foliage spray in a watered down mix for emersed growing.

I have doubts with the suggestion, I tend to believe excel and its similar counter parts are quite lethal stuff.

How long do you think I should leave the plants submerged?

Not sure to be honest, I myself would flood for a day then low the levels again.
Reduced the water level right down. I've moved some of the Anubias n. Petite that was looking a bit dodgy to a full running tank in hope of saving them. I'm running with the lid raised at one end and this is reducing the level of moisture on the lid and walls. Hopefully this is the end of it but I'll check daily
Still having white fuzz issues with my Anubias so have flooded it permanently. The others that I moved to running tanks have suffered no losses so I'll continue this with future anubias purchases

The Cryps on the other hand are doing rather well. The ones planted into John Innes No.3 are sending up leaves galore 🙂
Nice thread James! Have just been down to Living Waters myself today to pick up a few rarer crypts to grow on ready for my next tank. How are your crypts doing with this set up?
Cheers Rod!

All are doing well but for exceptional growth stick them into john Innes #3