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Grow tank?

LOL... Good luck with the growing box, an ingenious and cheap solution using storage box. You should get fast growth doing a emersed/DSM, when i did mine i used a portable humidifier to get humidity up, worked a charm! you could hook it up to a timer if you get hold a of one that doesn't turn it self off when power is turned off, and have it on for a few minutes every hour or so.
I'm doopid, What's DSM?

I think heat mat will be as far as I go if needs be.

Does my growing idea sound....sound?
Yeah he's the chap behind the anubias blog in post #18. A really helpful read both there and on APC
Okeydokey! I have most of my hardware. So now the substrate and the feed

I was thinking normal gravel for a few reasons: I already have some (though not afraid of buying something else if better), it's pretty inert, it allows great water (and thus food) circulation due to its large size & plants should be easy to remove & replant.

As for feed I have no idea really. As the plants will be getting loads of CO2 compared to immersed growing and I'll be irradiating them with my blinding new GroBeam 500 I would have thought that increased ferts would be needed. What ferts I'm am at a loss

:happy: hit Living Waters this morning :happy: I wanted to go and talk to someone rather than just order online. Great guys! let me jabber away with many questions and they really helped to fill in the gaps in my knowledge.

I left a little bit poorer, but with a little stock for my 'grow tank' - I think I might have a thing for anubias :cigar:


starting with the top row:
left: crypt. Spiralis - right : crypt. blassii
left: anubias short'n'sharp - right: anubias nana
left: anubias gold - right: anubias petite
left: anubias petite - right: anubias petite
left: microsorium mini - right: microsorium needle

The ferns were submerged so they suggested cutting the bottom of the bag of to allow access to water but keeping the top on for a week or two to reduce shock when I transfer them to emersed growing

they are all in about an inch of washed gravel to allow pots to have their height adjusted (ie smaller or deeper planted pots)

I gave them RO water with easy-life profito and will change it out once or twice a fortnight.

Who's a happy boy then?
Looking nice! Another method of the bag method could be the use of bottles, you can cut the bottle in half and use both halves turned upside down to make a dome. Both bag and bottle works the same, just for aesthetic reasons 🙂
I added some of that sticky back foam for sealing windows & doors to the edge of the tub. Its totally sealed now so will see what happens.

Really want to get a thermometer in there and maybe one outside to see if I can expect humidity. then maybe a teeny-tiny heater to get the temp up a touch.
Yeah I was thinking of buying a 25w jobby and laying it horizontally. theres so little water and airspace in there it shouldn't need much juice to get it going

Bought a diddly 25w heater and 2 thermometers. The foggy looking one is inside the clear one outside. There wasn't much of a temp difference (1deg maybe?) so I added the heater. It's laying down inside a length of plastic angle (the long thin white line alongside the heater). I cut it a touch shorter than the storage box and drilled some holes for extra water movement. The angle stops the gravel resting on the heater.

This pic was taken after about 5min of having the heater on with condensation forming already 🙂
Oh a question if I may?

Shall I turn the heater off overnight along with the light?
Fixed! Sorry about that.

Yes it has selectable temp and a thermostat