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Green spot algae question

Hi all,
I'd love to have that on some of my rocks.
We have a <"few threads"> where people have <"grown them accidently">. I think the common thread is probably hard water, but this suggests it isn't a pre-requisite <"Hildenbrandia rivularis">.

This gorgeous, red plush, velvet cushion belongs to @EA James.


cheers Darrel
Hi all,

We have a <"few threads"> where people have <"grown them accidently">. I think the common thread is probably hard water, but this suggests it isn't a pre-requisite <"Hildenbrandia rivularis">.

This gorgeous, red plush, velvet cushion belongs to @EA James.


cheers Darrel
Really interesting. I think I might have seen that algae in rivers before. I've also read that there's a true freshwater coralline algae discovered in a river in Croatia.
Freshwater coralline algae
I Always thought that if gsa is present on plant leaves it will stay there on it. I have some anubias leaves with gsa on it. I relate this to too high iron concetrations. But now I see that the middle of the spots seems to disappear. I have no idea how this happens. I have oto's siamese algea eaters and pest snails but when they are on a spot i never see it effectively eaten by them.
My question is, can the gsa spots partly or even completely dissapear under the right circumstances of water parameters?


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